Saturday, April 30, 2011

God, your shelter

Overcast, the clouds are grey and the sky is getting darker,
all signs say it's about to rain and you can't find no shelter.
It has been this way for awhile and your faith has been rattled,
sin and selfishness, sacrifice and service, the enemy has you embattled.
You want to pray for shelter but you fear you will get no answer,
so you grit your teeth and make the effort to withstand the weather.
How much more of this can you take? You don't want to think about.
Is God still my friend? You feel unsure and are overcome by doubt.
Why you are in this bad weather may be heavily reasons of your own,
but it does not mean the God you serve has somehow lost his throne.
Surrender all and trust that he is still there, for he has and will not abandon you,
he is your shelter and much more, and in time you'll be amazed at what he can do.
Sing out his praise with conviction because you know your God is omnipotent,
so you can wait and watch, because the Lord, your God is your shelter and strength.

Friday, April 29, 2011

How Long?

How long will I seek forgiveness and then continue to sin?
How long will I cry out to you for help and then still do my own thing?
How long will I say I believe and then still fall into doubt?
How long will I seek to hear you and then still block you out?

How long will I say that I am yours and then still live for me?
How long will I hear your words and then still not trust in thee?
How long will I call on your name and then still choose to swear?
How long will I sing your praise and then still choose to not draw near?

How long will I speak your truth and then still tell so many lies?
How long will I ask for boldness and then still your help I despise?
How long will I seek your counsel and then still wander away?
How long will I say I love you and then still fail to obey?

Lord, you see the inconsistencies, my life is nothing but a mess,
Lord, you see the pain I am causing, I am sorry, all I do confess.
Lord, you see the daily disobedience, you have to do something soon,
Lord, you see the depth of my hypocrisy, I am horribly out of tune.

You can't sit back and let me continue this way, I beseech you Lord to act,
You can't sit back and let me continue to stray, I am totally out of whack.
You can't sit back and let me go further, and on profaning your name,
You can't sit back and let me go further, and on your character to defame.

How long O Lord will you tarry? My foolish ways I need you to overthrow!
How long O Lord will you tarry? I am tired of living as part of the status quo!

How long, O Lord? How long? O Lord, how long?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Thoughts

The dictionary offers definitions. Where do you go to derive the definition of who and whose you are?

Success should be primarily assessed on the level and kind of impact we made on others' lives.

Consider this, we constantly change/update and introduce new rules to govern behaviors in all sphere of life. On the other hand, the principles of God never changes or need to be updated or have new ones introduced. What does that say to you?

Worship is not just an act that we go to church to do. More importantly, it is a lifestyle we will live on a daily basis whether we realize it or not. 

Worship leaders and teams must realize that they do not just lead worship. Their attitude must be: We have come in worship and obedience before God to lead the congregation into a deeper sense and lifestyle of worship. 

If the apparel of the heart is filthy rags then any apparel we do wear is like the emperor with no clothes.  

If God is not real, then neither is our existence.

I have found that running away from God is not a good thing. It is a run that leads to emptiness, guilt, and condemnation. 

Blessings should not be our primary focus. What we should desire above all else is to know and understand God, so that he can make us into men and women after his heart. 

To try to live without God is like trying to live without air. Sooner or later you either die or accept the air by breathing it in. 

It is good to do things excellently. Then, pass the torch to others and pray they do it more excellently than we did, and pray that the trend continues. 

Success for us should mean living a life that serves God's purpose for us.

Think the devil is not serious about our destruction. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Not just one or two of those, but all three. 

For a Christian to define him or herself by failure is not only a deception, but an offense to our true identity. 

If you want to stay trapped in bad habits believe that you can and/or attempt to change them in your own strength. 

To see failure as part of life is revolutionary. It will transform the way we think and live. 

Christians live in defeat because our outlook is earthly and physical rather than heavenly and spiritual.

The Fight

An uppercut to an unprotected area. Round after round the same thing. The jabs that land. The hooks that unsettle. The combinations that leave you feeling bruised and battered. The breaks in between the rounds, at the moment, seem too short. You don't wonder. You don't have to dream. It is real. You are in it. A fight. Denying it only exposes you to a knock down. Turning your back only exposes you to a rabbit punch. You are being pushed against the ropes. You duck. You weave. You push back. You try to think up some escape tactics. You try to protect yourself. Sometimes you are too slow. A punch lands and it hurts. The last one almost knocked the wind out of you. But amazingly, you are still standing. Just before another punch comes, aimed at your face, you get out of the way. That was close. For a moment, you see the puzzled look in the eyes of the enemy. He thought he had you. He thought that you would surrender. But something keeps you in the fight. You somehow get the strength to do a little fancy footwork after that close call. The enemy steps back, even more puzzled. But a smile comes across his lips. He thinks he sees an opening. You continue your footwork keeping your eye focused on the enemy. He smiles even more, but you don't think about that. You can't be distracted by his smile. You can't be caught up with his smile. You know he is cunning. You have fallen to his schemes before. His feints that you bought. The pain you feel serves as a reminder. Briefly, you remember when he knocked out your mouthpiece. He begins his own footwork. His smile grows broader. Your hands feel heavy and almost too heavy to lift to defend yourself. Almost too heavy to throw a few punches of your own. This round seem a little longer than the previous one. You silently pray for the bell to ring to end the round. At this moment you remember the words of your coach, "I am here with you." You remember your coach is not only in the corner but also in you. You remember he is also your ringside physician. A few rounds ago you had the standing 8 count. Your enemy thought he had you then, but he was wrong. A smile starts on the inside. You get the strength to block just as the enemy throws a combination. Then you throw a counterpunch. The enemy is unsettled. He is surprised. You follow up with a combination. The enemy staggers backwards. He is against the ropes. You do a feint then a combination. Your punches land. He is on his way down when the bell rings. You walk backwards with an eye on the enemy knowing he may attempt a rabbit punch. Something changes in his eyes. He sees that you are believing. He senses that you are not depending on your own strength and skills, but that you are trusting and applying what your coach says. When you get to your corner, you fall into the arms of your coach/ringside physician. You whisper, "Thank you." He lovingly says, "You are mine, and I will never leave you." You are aware that there are more rounds to go, but you are encouraged. Your coach/ringside physician is your strength and encouragement. No matter what happens in the upcoming rounds, you will never be alone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Through God's Eyes

The devil is scoring some big points. It feels like we are getting our butts kicked. Our foolishness has led us to this point. It's like the devil is running up a big score on us, if we were keeping score. However, because we have been set free. Because we have been given a new life. Because we are now children of God. Because our lives are hidden with Christ in God. We are no longer condemned. No longer guilty. Yes, we still sin. But, we can be confident in God's forgiveness. Confident that who we are in him is more than what we do. He sees the yearnings of our hearts even when we sin. He knows that our first and foremost longing is to live for him. He knows we aspire to be true servants. He fathoms that we desire to know and understand his heart. He hears our prayers for him to keep our hearts and minds in the right place. He placed these desires in our hearts. We ought to pray these for each other and ourselves no matter what we are going through. No matter where we are or how we feel. Let us ask God to help us see clearly the way he sees us. When we get this vision, perspective, and understanding our lives and experiences will be filled with the truth. And that will set us free from everything that hinders, distracts, entangles. It will set us free to enjoy our relationship with God and others. We will begin to truly live out the beauty of God. After all, we are already living in it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Story [finished]

Part 4:
Look on all the things
I freed you from and for
you don't have to hide
and perform anymore

I see it all and your 
attempts are insufficient
no matter how brilliant,
noble, commendable, or valiant

You will screw up I know
but that does not change a thing
look at your left hand
you are wearing my ring

I died for you knowing 
you'll still fall short
but I'll carry you to term,
yes until completion, no abort

Your filth, shame, and works
all covered by me
trust me with your life
and in time you will see

What I will bring forth
through the storms and changing tide
give me the oars
and trust me with your life!"

A Story [continued]

Part 3:
Lord, you can sleep if I need to
I will wake you
cause I know you are God
and you can rescue

If you see me crying
don't come close just yet
I'll figure it out
don't worry, I mean no disrespect

If I don't figure it out, I'll get
what I deserve and possibly more
I don't expect to fail and not be punished
that is something of which I am sure

You sit there, you listen
but then you began to plead with me:
"Give me the oars,
I'll take you to my destiny

Look at your hands,
they're calloused, cracked, and bleeding
your eyes are swollen
and me you're not trusting

Your quest to be free
won't suffice, and is redundant,
I've granted freedom to you
unconditional and abundant

p.s. finished in the next post.

A Story [continued]

Part 2:
Focusing on those things
I should not do
I look at, took, bit into
and proceeded to chew

Swallowed it down
but my stomach got sick
I talked to God but
also tried to remedy it

It's hard when you're told
success depends on you
so perform, work hard
and your dreams will come true

I took this view into my
relationship with Christ
surely my hard work
will definitely suffice

It should prove my love,
and demonstrate my devotion,
handling life's storms in my own strength
like a canoe battling the waves of the ocean

Jesus can ride along
no problem, but I have to row
cause I've got the oar,
besides, it's my boat you know

So sit back dear Lord
and enjoy the ride
I've got this one, but I'll
need you sometime

p.s. continues in the next post

A Story

Part 1:
Rebellious, deceitful, stubborn, selfish
proud, all perfect descriptions of me
trusting, honest, obedient, unselfish
humble, is what I ought to be

I desired to run my own show
be my own boss
but have discovered that doing so
has a hefty cost

I devised that running my own show
would also please God
and as such, good performance
would bring good reward

After all, that is how it is
designed in daily life
you know, it depends on the
amount of my sacrifice

But if I can please God
by doing what's right
then he did not need to
send Jesus to save my life

I plodded and planned
to do things my way
and hoped it pleased God
at the end of the day

Just like Adam and Eve I disobeyed,
I thought my works could have defrayed,
the cost of my disobedience
but the harder I tried the further I strayed

p.s. continues in the next post.

Jesus on Trial: The Crowd, and The Two Criminals

The Crowd:
It was just about time. They wanted blood. His blood. "Free him?! No way! Crucify him, crucify him!" they shouted. "We want Barabbas!" A criminal instead of the Christ. An insurrectionist instead of the Savior. A notorious prisoner instead of the Good Shepherd. "Yes, give us Barabbas!" How could that they reject Jesus? They saw his miracles. They experienced his miracles. They were amazed at his teachings. They recognized he had authority like no other. A week prior many in the crowd worshiped him when he came riding on the colt. They sang praises to him. What changed since then? Who changed since then? Who did not change since then? "Let his blood be on us and our children!", they cried. To make such a statement. To go to such lengths. Why were they willing to make such a statement? What about us? How far do we go? Who and/or what is our Barabbas? Later on some of them would come to confess him. Later on some of them would come to follow him sacrificially. Later on some of them would die for him. Later on some of them would choose him over their Barabbas. Another reason he had to die. He cried for forgiveness on their behalf. On our behalf. Instead of calling down fire from heaven. Instead of calling on angels. He chose to die. Though ridiculed. Though mocked. Though scoffed. Though despised. He demonstrated for us what love is in spite of rejection. In spite of mockery. In spite of being scoffed. In spite of being innocent and given the death sentence. He showed us that the Father's will has greater purpose. He showed us that the Father's will is not popular. He showed us that the Father's will can bring rejection from the crowds. He showed us that the Father's will meant humility. The time of fulfillment was now. The cross just an "inch" away. Sentence to die. No time for turning back. No time for wishful thinking. No time for procrastination.

The Two Criminals:
Beaten. Scourged. Mocked. Ridiculed. Suffered unjustly. Treated as a criminal. Hanging on a cross between two criminals. Known by the company you keep? Huh. Was that how they wanted to portray the Savior? The innocent placed amongst the guilty to appear and be considered as guilty. The trial. The accusations. Now hanging on a cross. A spectacle for all to see. A publicity that all the world, then and since, would hear about. A terrible way to die. Humiliated. Could this be the Savior? Could this really be the Messiah? Why would God allow such a thing to happen? What a foolish way to establish a kingdom? Wasn't there an easier, safer, and better way to save the world? Wasn't there a more humane way? One of the criminals complained, "Hey Jesus, are you really the Christ? If so, why don't you save yourself and us?" How many times have we also asked this question. Sometimes to keep hidden our sins. Sometimes to get us out of trouble. Usually out of desperation. Usually as our last resort. Sometimes with good intentions but with the wrong attitude. More often than not with an earthly perspective than a heavenly/spiritual perspective. Jesus had reason to save himself. He was just. He was God. He was innocent. He was everything the criminals and the crowd were not. He is everything we are not. He could have saved himself. But he was not there for his own purpose. This was not about him. This was not about a temporary cause or promotion or fix. This was about doing the Father's will. This was about fulfilling the Father's purpose and plan of salvation. This was about an eternal and heavenly perspective. This was about bringing the kingdom of heaven to us and to earth. This was about establishing his kingdom in us. We who deserved condemnation and were condemned are no longer. We who should receive the due rewards for our deeds are forgiven. We have been given his righteousness. We the criminals have been set free. He died to save us. We could not save ourselves. He became sin for us. He was treated like a criminal for our sake. It is wonderful for us to say, "Hey Jesus, you are the Christ! Thank you for giving up yourself so we can be saved. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for fulfilling the Father's plan and purpose. Thank you for thinking spiritually, not wishfully. Thank you for keeping an eternal perspective. Thank you for being obedient to the Father's will, instead of procrastinating. Help us all to follow your example."

P.S. The above are sermons 5 and 6 in the series, now completed.


My mind is being plagued with sinful thoughts
I am fighting hard to not give in
Been praying for sometime now
and trusting God to not let me fall into sin.
My head hurts from the current attacks
I am feeling faint and weary
Been praying for sometime now
and trusting God to help me walk in victory.
My current thoughts are so depraved
I cannot believe what am thinking
Been praying for sometime now
and trusting God to keep my feet from sinking.
My heart aches for things called good
I am being pulled at by negative feelings
Been praying for sometime now
and trusting God to give me faith ever increasing.
The battle is not so much the concern
but what is is the decision I do make
will I keep on praying and trusting God
or will my resolve to obey break?
Oh God I cry please hear my call
I am desperate and in need of you
Only you alone are able to save
and keep me ever faithful and true.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jesus on Trial: The Sanhedrin, and Pilate

The Sanhedrin:
The time dragged closer. The Sanhedrin could not wait. They had business to take care of. No more of this guy ruining our business. No more of this guy and his teachings. No more of this guy and his claims. No more of this guy and his miracles. No more of this guy and his exposing us for who we really are. We can no longer have it. This is our show and no one else is to run it but us. We are the chosen of God. We know the laws. We enforce the laws. We teach the laws. We are the educated. We are the leaders. We are the nobles. We have the status. Another reason Jesus had to do this. To save us from ourselves. To open our eyes to the truth of who we are. To expose us. To teach us humility. To teach us responsibility. To teach us submission. To show us that in spite of all of our ideologies, philosophies, status, claims, education, we are lost without him. To show that religion is insufficient and cannot save us. Most importantly, to show us that he is the only way back to God. And to provide that way back to God. The time of fulfillment was at hand. No time for wishful thinking. No time for procrastination.

The time dragged ever closer. Now he is taken before Pilate. Governor. Overseer. Supervisor. Political leader. Adjudicator. He thinks, initially, another one of those cases. Arrgh, Humbug. Should get this done in no time. But he was wrong. This was different. This guy was innocent. This guy was more than just innocent. This guy is something out of this world. Then his wife complicates things by telling him about her dream. She is right, but I don't see any easy way out of this. I can try to get him off but the Jews want him dead. They question whether I am a friend of the king Caesar. I have just become friends with Herod. Hmm, there is more political and social mileage here. Also, I don't want to have a riot on my hands. Better to have one die than for many to die. Better to give in than to stand up for what is right. Better to find an escape so that the blame for his death falls on them. This guy speaks of other worldly kingdom. This guy talks about truth. What is truth? I'll just wash my hands on the whole thing. I'll just turn a blind-eye. I will be glad when this is over. Or will I be? My life will return to normal. Or will it? The people want it, so I've got to give them what they want. Besides, non ad me pertinet (not my concern). Another reason he had to do this. To save us from what's popular. To help us find our strength in him and his words. To seek after justice no matter what. To stand up for his truth. Mihi curae est (it is my concern). Officii mei est (it is my duty). The time of fulfillment was at hand. No time for wishful thinking. No time for procrastination.

P.S: The above are written based on sermons 3 and 4 in the series currently being taught at church.

Jesus on Trial: Judas, and Peter

The time drew ever closer. Now his betrayer arrived and gave him a kiss. A kiss of disappointment. A kiss of misunderstanding. A kiss of an earthly perspective. A kiss of betrayal. A kiss of death. A kiss of pain. A kiss of self-demise. A kiss of suicide. Yet, Jesus called him friend. Jesus still loved him. Another reason he had to do this. For those of us who would betray him to know he still loves us. To know he still considers us his friend. To know that we don't have to self-destruct. To save us from self-demise. To give us hope. To give us a heavenly perspective. The time of fulfillment was at hand. No time for wishful thinking. No time for procrastination.

The time drew ever ever closer. The other disciples fled, but Peter and John stayed close. Peter denied him. Peter who promised though all leave he will not. Peter who was quick to draw a sword to fight. Peter who recognized Jesus as the Christ. Peter who walked on water. When the rooster crowed, he remembered what Jesus said. His denial brought him to bitter tears. His denial shook his world. His denial brought him pain. His denial caused him to leave. Another reason Jesus had to do this. Later on he restored Peter. Later on he reaffirmed his love for Peter. Later on Peter realized that Jesus loved him unconditionally. He does the same for us. For those of us who would deny him. He restores us. He reaffirms his love for us. Hopefully, we realize he loves us unconditionally. The time of fulfillment was at hand. No time for wishful thinking. No time for procrastination.

P.S: The above are written based on sermons 1 and 2 in the series currently being taught at church. 

Jesus on Trial - Intro

Reclining around the table is the twelve and Jesus. He knew his time was at hand, but there was still more for his disciples to learn. He hope they would get it. He hope they would see things from a spiritual perspective. He taught them. He led them. He served them. He loved them. But they still did not get it. Ah, but he knew they would. Right now, he would do that which he came to fulfill. No need to worry about anything else. He came to do the Father's will and that only. Would another year with him in the flesh help them get it? What do you think? Anyway, this had to be done. The time of fulfillment was at hand. No time for procrastination.

Reclining around the table is the twelve and Jesus. He is about transform the passover. He is the symbol of the passover. Now he would be the fulfillment of the passover. He had just washed their feet. Not for show or pity or to score points or to change the Father's will. Nope, but to leave the twelve with another principle. To leave the twelve with another example. To leave the twelve with another demonstration of love. He knew they would be scattered when he was taken away. He knew that one sitting amongst them had already betrayed him. He knew one would deny him. He knew it all but he loved them unconditionally. He washed their feet. The time of fulfillment was at hand. No time for wishful thinking. No time for procrastination.

The time drew closer. He could taste it. He could feel it. He went to pray. He entreated. He immersed himself in prayer. He was fully engaged. The weight of his hour was overwhelming. Yet, He submitted. He took Peter, James, and John. He needed them. They fell asleep. They were tired. He sympathized with them. Their weakness overcome their willingness. He recognized that. He knew later their willingness would overcome their weakness. Another reason he had to do this. Not just for them but for all of us. The time of fulfillment was at hand. No time for wishful thinking. No time for procrastination.

P.S: Written based on the current sermon series being taught at church. See the next post for continuity.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Count our blessings

They are there, but many times we fail to see them
because we tend to be overwhelmed by the mayhem
They are there, but many times we are blinded
because of the struggles by which we are blindsided
They are there, but many times they are ignored
because the circumstances have us feeling gored
They are there, but many times our thoughts are shot
because the situation seems to be taking all we've got

Let us start now and begin to count them
we will see in each pain there is a gem
And many too, more than we would have thought
because in God's plans we are never an afterthought
Never be afraid to count your blessings daily
and express your gratitude to him sincerely
For we are blessed beyond measure because of his Son
in whose life we are hidden and securely stand on.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Remember - to recall, keep something necessary or advisable in mind (Concise Oxford English Dictionary).

The journey is long and hard, and the memory seems selective. You remember the mistakes, failures, more often than the joys, victories, and the past blessings. Blessings?! What past blessings? You continue on your journey looking for somewhere to run. Looking for somewhere to hide. You feel like the dark clouds would never leave. You close your eyes and they are still there. Yes, even in your mind. You continue on your journey looking for relief. Looking for help. You try to remember the better things. You try to remember the better times. You wonder if you had any such times. The mistakes, failures, doubts, fears encircle you. They are the first things you see. The first voice you hear. The first thought you think. The first memory that comes to mind. You continue on your journey looking for rest. Looking for an escape. The rain begins to fall ever so lightly. You see the lightning flash. Oh no, this can't be, you think. The breeze that was once gentle begins to pick up speed. Something runs down your face. It is wet. You think, rain. Nope. You realize it is your tears. You continue on your journey looking for peace. Looking for truth.

The journey is long and hard, and the memory seems selective. You remember the mistakes, failures, more often than the joys, victories, and the past blessings. You don't see the present blessings. What present blessings? You continue on your journey looking for friendship. Looking for intimacy. The valley is dull, dark, and dreary. There is an eerie feeling that surrounds you. It almost is suffocating. But you are still breathing. You continue on your journey looking for salvation. Looking for protection. The skies are turning blood red. The winds begin to howl. The lightning flashes and for a moment a flicker of hope. You hear the thunder in the distance. It grows louder as it approaches. It echoes all around you. You stop for a moment to consider your options but the worst comes to mind. You try to remember the better things. You try to remember the better times. You earnestly try to remember. But your memory is still selective. The current situation is dark, dull, dreary, stormy. You remember the mistakes, the failures, doubts, the fears. All add up. Yet, you continue on your journey looking for healing. Looking for restoration.

The journey is long and hard, and the memory seems selective. You remember the mistakes, failures, more often than the joys, victories, and past blessings. You don't see the present blessings. What past and present blessings? You continue on your journey looking for hope. Looking for just one glimpse of hope. And it comes in a reminder. It comes in spite of the memory's selectiveness. It pushes its way past the mistakes, failure, doubts, fears. It breaks through the dull, dreary, dark, stormy situation. You remember! Yes, you remember. A promise. A faithfulness. A truth. An assurance. Ah yes, you remember. "I will never leave you nor forsake you!"

You continue on your journey, but now you have that reminder. The situation around you has not changed. The mistakes, the failures are still there. But, you are beginning to remember the promise, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." A hope is rising. With each step you sense: A Lover has been and is ever present. You sense: A Savior by your side. You realize you were only able to continue because He was with you. Because He was your Strength. Because He was your Rest. Because He was your Protection. Because He was your Healer. Because He was and is the Source of all your blessings. His blessings are not dependent on your memory or ability to see. But He calls you to remember. He helps you to remember. He opens your eyes. And you remember.


Prayer is an art that we must learn to appreciate
Prayer is an attitude that we must learn to cultivate
Prayer is the heart of worship that makes it all about God
Prayer is the song of praise dedicated to the Lord

Prayer is a recognition that in and of ourselves we can do nothing
Prayer is an acceptance that God can do more than we ask or imagine
Prayer is a trust that is based on the truths of God's word
Prayer is the art of engagement with the Spirit's sword

Prayer is dependence on the Holy Spirit's help as we entreat
Prayer is surrendering all to the Holy Spirit so we can be replete
Prayer is an expression of love and desire after God's heart
Prayer is a lifestyle from which you will never desire to part

Prayer is a gift that we must put to use in increasing measure
Prayer is the art of communicating no matter life's weather
Prayer is adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication
Prayer and scripture meditation leads to a godly transformation

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Voice of Truth

Trying to be free, but I feel caged in
Trying to live, but am surely dying
Trying to smile, but can't keep from crying
Trying to speak truth, but it sounds like lying
Trying to breathe, but it feels like am suffocating
Trying to see the sun, but it won't stop raining
Trying to believe, but my faith's wavering
Trying to win, but daily I keep losing
Trying to succeed, but am consistently failing
Trying to stand, but ever so often am falling
Trying to see, but my eyes are blinded
Trying to forget, but daily I am reminded
Trying to abstain, but I go on sinning
Trying to keep hope alive, but it feels like the last inning

But there is a voice of truth:

The voice that trumpets, you are forgiven
The voice that is assured and never mistaken
The voice that shouts, your life has worth because of me
The voice that says, I died so you can be set free
The voice that says, my grace all sufficient is freely given
The voice that says, I loved you enough to leave heaven
The voice that declares, I am the light so you can shine
The voice that says, never fear for you are eternally mine
The voice that pleads, give me a listening ear
The voice that speaks, breathes, and sings of care
The voice that cries, you don't have to work for victory
The voice that shouts, all good things are prepared already
The voice that says, stop trying and accept who you are in me
The voice that speaks truth an does so faithfully.