Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Pride

Dear Saviour:

You made every part of me yet I claim me as my own
You are fully established yet I put myself on the throne
You clothe me in you yet I choose my righteousness
You give me your salvation yet I still try to impress
You chose to be humble yet I fill myself with pride
You lay yourself bare for me yet I keep it all inside
You obeyed the Father's will yet I fight to live for me
You depended on him yet I strive to live independently

My pride is evident, to you and me it is clear
In pretending that it's not, I have made a career
My pride is cleverly masked in a humble pretense
To be on the down-low and sit on the back fence
My pride is sometimes seen in my boastful ways
Highlighting what I've done for others to praise
My pride is focused on making it all about me
It grabs the spotlight so others can look at me

Strike down my pride because it's easy to default
to living for myself again and thus myself to exalt
Keep me alert, controlled, and from this slide
Baptize my mind daily and please kill my pride

I surrender and submit myself to you, Amen!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Beautiful You

The look in your eyes is magical
sometimes I have to look away,
they are so enchanting and wild
that in their gaze I desire to stay.

The brightness of your smile is lovely
I can just stand and take it all in,
it radiates your face with beauty
that I can just get lost therein.

The sweetness of your face is delightful
it is a wonderful sight to behold,
it is a cool feeling that I do enjoy
I want to tell you but am not that bold.

The sound of your voice is pleasant
filled with warmth and honest care,
your words are suitable each moment
because your heart is full of prayer.

The beauty you are is a gift from God
and I can see his beauty shining through,
so what others see is real, it's no facade
and it's drawing them to the him in you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

God's desires in us

The desire to treat others well is a daily goal
to respect and live sincerely is an aspiration
not for show or for the goal of  popularity
these things don't interest us, we're scared of them
for we've seen how destructive they can be

There is a desire to connect with people regardless
regardless of who they are or who they think they are
in each person we can see ourselves, the good and bad
no excuses, no justifications, no rationalizations
no comparisons, just the truth of our humanity

The desire to help others grow and develop moves us
it fills us with a zeal to live honestly and sacrificially
sometimes our actions are unhealthy and weak
but as tough as it is it keeps us humble and earnest
it lets others see our faults and leaves us exposed

The desire to see others on fire for God captivates us
our hearts, our minds, our spirits, our prayers yearns
all of us begs for this to be made real in powerful ways
for us to live as a family united by our love for Christ
for God to fully use us to transform our communities

The desire for others is not fully ours so we can't take credit
it is something God has placed in us and we love him for it
we've tried many times to go about his work in our strength
so many times by our own dictates that limited his power
now he has broken us so he can use us as he purposed

The desire grows as God's presence floods our lives
what he will do in and through us is for his glory
our responsibility is to obey and trust in his leading
surrendering all so that he increase as we decrease
God's desires in us has to be done his way.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

inside out

the inner man is dying to live and desires to give it all away
to be lost in your embrace and to be led by you all the way
the outer man puts on a show to keep up an appearance
longing to be reconciled inside & out to close that distance

the inner man wants to be fully surrendered to your will
to be lost in your arms and be taught what it is to be still
the outer man works hard to conceal the brokenness
longing to be reconciled inside out by your fullness

the inner man is desperate to deny all of self to live true
to be lost in your presence and feel the nearness of you
the outer man fights to prove that in everything it can excel
longing to be reconciled inside out to really say, "all is well"

the inner man longs to be refreshed, renewed, and complete
to be lost in your freedom and be near to feel your heartbeat
the outer man longs to feel the warmth of your touch throughout
longing to be reconciled and to live for you from the inside out.

Hold Nothing Back

I started this journey in the freedom you had given me,
running bold and free, but something has changed lately.
The journey has become cluttered, your freedom I did negate,
entangled by sin and its hindrances, bogged down by its weight.

I am standing at the side, looking as others continue on,
praying that you will come and say, I'm not too far gone.
You said that I can never get too far out of your reach,
but it feels that way, so come now Lord, you I beseech.

I want to live free again, to run patiently and to never quit,
but it is only possible by the awesomeness of your Spirit.
So help me to run hard knowing in you there's nothing that I lack,
you've set me free from every hindrance to: Hold Nothing Back.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Being Strong (A manly version)

Being strong makes you a man, that's how it's promoted,
for you to be anything but, is worse than being demoted.
Being strong shows the kind of man you are, that's what they say,
to act otherwise even if and when it hurts is not manly in any way.
Being strong must be a dominant part of your masculinity,
anything short of that, well, well, it is nothing but a tragedy.
Being strong means you always have to be on the hunt,
it demonstrates that you are "fit" to lead from the front.
Being strong means tough love, suppressing certain emotions.
Displaying tenderness as a man? Is that even one of the options?
Being strong is misunderstood and filled with deceit,
to continue this way will in time all our strength deplete.
Being strong is admirable but it is not something we can manufacture,
it comes only to a man filled and surrendered to the Holy Spirit's power.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
"But the Lord said to me,"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Living Free Every Day Devotional

The following is also from an online devotional. I pray that it blesses you.                                     

                                        Living Free Every Day Devotional

Peace In The Storm
Today's Scripture: "Our God says, 'Calm down, and learn that I am God.'"Psalm 46:10 CEV

Thoughts for Today

The words in today's scripture apply to our quiet times with the Lord, but they aren't limited to that.

No matter what your circumstances, you will face challenging, stressful times. Times when it's difficult to cope. That's just part of life.

If you have been spending quiet time before the Lord, being still and reflecting on his character and listening to him, then as difficult situations arise throughout the day, it's easier to take a moment, wherever you are, to be calm and remember that he is God. He is in control. Nothing takes him by surprise and he will help you through this.

Consider this …
When anything or anyone other than God is at the center of your life, problems that arise can cause things to spin out of control. But when he is at the center, day in and day out, he will calm you even when chaos is swirling around you. You will sense his strength, his love and his reassurance... and that will make all the difference. How about you? Have you given God a time slot? Or is he in every area of your life.

Is he at the center? Or just occupying a compartment of your life. Is he your first thought in every situation? Or just an afterthought when you are desperate.

Begin to give him first place in all things... to make him the center of your life.

Father, forgive me for not always making you the center of my life. I will commit to spending more quiet time reflecting on your goodness. And then when things become stressful through the day, remind me to be calm, and to remember that you are in control. In Jesus' name. . .

TGIF (by Os Hillman)

The following is from a daily online devotional. May it bless you as it did me!

                        Today God Is First 
                         Daily Workplace Inspiration by Os Hillman

From Adversity to Destiny
July 13

"The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position" (James 1:9).

Most of us avoid pain. We keep our medicine cabinets loaded with pain relievers. We couldn't imagine major surgery without an anesthetic. We are so averse to pain that we think God must desire that we will experience pain-free lives. After all, a loving God surely wouldn't want us to suffer pain, would He? Although God takes no pleasure in our pain, we have to acknowledge that He sometimes allows painful circumstances to occur in our lives in order to shape us and make us more like Christ. Sometimes our times of despair turn out to be a much needed light into our soul.
I once came across the following poem written by an anonymous Confederate soldier, a devout young man who fought in the American Civil War. The lines of this poem express the soul of a man who has learned to view his times of adversity from a different perspective:

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve;
I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked God for health, that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.
I asked for riches, that I might be happy;
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men;
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life;
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for but everything I had hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am among men, most richly blessed.*

Do we trust God to lead us even though we can't see the pathway in front of us? Do we trust Him to be all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful? Do we believe He does all things well? As Paul wrote, "Everything that does not come from faith is sin" (Rom. 14:23). That's why God leads us through the dark places.
Only in the darkness do we learn to walk by faith.

*"Prayer of an Unknown Soldier," quoted in Austin Pryor, "Trusting God to Answer Our Prayers,"

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Make Our Stand

The devil may not come with guns ablazing,
but his work when successful is hellraising.
His craft is subtle and is very well perfected,
one unguarded moment and we are infected.

The infection spreads when left untreated,
breaking down our defense, we're depleted.
If we wallow in the guilt, we will retreat,
failure to take a stand only leads to defeat.

A defeat is no cause for alarm, so let's not freak out,
but living in defeat is, there salvation we will doubt.
If we think the devil will let up, we know better,
his goal is to destroy lives, that's all he is after.

We have many examples of lives he has destroyed,
his schemes and deceits he's successfully employed.
We've made the mistake of taking off God's armor,
that's why we can't stand, we don't have his power.

Many are lost, crying out, and dying, but we seem unaware,
going about our daily lives only attentive to our own welfare.
Distracted and entangled by the sweet lies of the enemy,
constantly in pursuit of the things that are not heavenly.

Raise the battle cry, and sound the alarm for we're at war,
it's unavoidable, even if we stand aside or look on from afar.
How could we as children of God not want to take a stand?
Our failure to has only served to give Satan the upper hand.

Draw a line in the sand, let's make our stand from today,
put on God's whole armor, it can't be done no other way.
The battling is already raging, many positions unmanned,
it's time to get back on duty, it's time to make our stand.

Giving Thanks

To the one who fashioned the earth,
who set the birds aflight in the skies,
to him who formed us from the dirt,
and blesses us daily with the sunrise.

To you today we lift up our hands, heads, and hearts in giving thanks.

To the one who made all the waters,
who establish a variety of life therein,
to him who holds the earth's quarters,
whose blood washes away every sin.

To you today we lift up our hands, heads, and hearts in giving thanks.

To the one who made the valleys and hills,
who made animals free to wander there,
to him who salvaged us from the landfills,
and established us firmly in his care.

To you today we lift up our hands, heads, and hearts in giving thanks.

To the one who can dictate the wind,
who magnificently paints the heavens,
to him whose love we cannot rescind,
and whose light alone never darkens.

To you today we lift up our hands, heads, and hearts in giving thanks.

To the one self-existing and forever,
who radiates with majesty and glory,
he alone makes us alive not just better,
and in whom we live a life that's holy.

To you today we lift our hands,
To you today we lift our heads,
To you today we lift our hearts,
To you today we're giving thanks.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Upward, Inward, Outward

Learning How To Give
Chapter: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
Main Verse: 2 Corinthians 5b

We can only have and demonstrate the right attitude in giving when we have an upward focus. The church at Corinth was lacking in this focus. Paul used the churches of Macedonia in his exhortation to the church at Corinth about giving. These churches in Macedonia gave generously even though they were in extreme poverty. They did not gave out of compulsion or guilt or with ulterior motives.

How was this generous giving possible? They gave themselves first to the Lord (v. 5). They had received and experienced the grace of God. This free and generous gift of God totally transformed their lives. If God could graciously and freely give them his grace - his unmerited favor - why would they not give him their lives in return? Why would they not do all he asks and leads them to do? Their response was to give themselves first to God. They looked upward.

Their abundant joy and their extreme poverty led to an overflow in a wealth of generosity on their part (v. 2). This is encouraging because we don't associate joy and poverty as going together much more leading to generosity. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Their joy was a gift from God that surpassed the level of their poverty. Note the two adjectives - abundant and extreme, the result an overflow in a wealth .... The churches of Macedonia looked up, not sure when they got to that place but they did. It was important because they were able to see themselves in light of God's grace and it filled them with an abundance of joy. Their upward look gave them the right inward perspective.

... and then by the will of God to us (v. 5). Their upward look was also important to their outward perspective. They did not give for the sake of giving, but as God directed. This was helpful in ensuring their giving was done with the right motive and heart. Their giving was of their own free will and beyond their means. How was that possible? It was possible through their gratitude and willingness to do as God directed. They were so grateful for the grace of God that in spite of their extreme poverty they did not withhold or make excuses.

Our Response: Our attitude should be the same regardless of our situation. It begins with an upward focus. When we keep looking inward and outward whilst forgetting or choosing not to look upward, we become hoarders. If and when we give it will be done out of compulsion, obligation, and not with the right heart and motive.
However, we can get to that point of giving generously even if we are facing extreme poverty. Giving generously goes beyond the financial. It is most importantly the giving of ourselves first and fully to God. We should make this a daily practice knowing that God will accept and honor this daily giving of ourselves for his purpose.

An upward perspective will transform our inward and outward perspectives.

Can We Get Back?

We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses,
isn't it time for us to throw off all the hindrances?
We are called to urgently lay aside every weight,
why do we still hold on to things that stagnate?

We are encourage to run this race with endurance,
can we when sins we choose not to bid riddance?
We are told to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus,
how can we who have given up our life's purpose?

We are taught that Jesus did endure the cross with joy,
how can we when God's presence we no longer enjoy?
We are taught that Jesus did it all for the Father's will,
can we do the same when his word is no longer our fill?

We have since grown tired, weary, fainthearted,
and the struggle against sin is no longer resisted.
We are down in the dirt, hurt, filled with shame,
wondering if he will hear if we speak his name.

We desire to and are desperately longing to proclaim,
to declare, to shout, and to testify that We Overcame!
Let's not delay or ponder any longer: "Can we get back?"
God says, "YES! Today, you can get back on track."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Other Thoughts

Always remember that perfection is God's responsibility (his doing), and that obedience is ours (responsibility).

Remember God's will is already done in heaven, but it is waiting on our response so it can also be done on earth.

Heaven should consistently remind to us look up instead of consistently looking down.

God is Just, and just as He says He is, He is.

If God cannot be found in the little things then his involvement in the big things, though impressive, will be insufficient.

Failure is always an option but it is never the final one.

To experience failure is to be human, but to live as a failure is not.

The depth, breadth, and height of our sinfulness is infinitely less than God's love, mercy, and forgiveness.

When the Bible says that we fall short of God's glory, it does not mean were even close.

To live alone is not a bad thing, but to be alone is not good.

To look for faults in another means you're trying to feel good about yourself.

We usually depend on stereotypes because we don't want to take the time to really get to know people individually.

Cultures are not created out of nothing, we are the ones who create them. Therefore, we are the ones who can change them.

Big things are usually the culmination of little things.

Love is a gift that must first be received, unwrapped, and then explored in order to experience its fullness.

We need to earnestly seek for God to be the light in our private lives so that our public lives will reflect his glory.

Something we all should desire is to live a life that the devil hates.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Your Doing

To be good, like I think I should,
I do all I could,
in my goal to impress you.
But I tend to forget, that you beget,
from the outset, without breaking a sweat,
that all I have is from you. 

You are self-sustaining, ever reigning,
no beginning or ending,
the only God there is.
So why do I, even dare try,
to rely, and to justify,
my good works before you?

You loved me first, when I was cursed,
and even at my worst,
your steadfast love remains.
It wasn't my might, nor my rite,
nor living upright, that ignite,
your love for me.

Blessed because, in spite of flaws,
not by my clause,
but it's all your doing.
My mind renew, to pursue,
all that's true, in what I do,
to exalt your holy name.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Your Steadfast Love

My sins are many and am at times overwhelmed by shame
But your steadfast love endures forever
My doubts regularly assail me even when your promises I claim
But your steadfast love endures forever
My thoughts when not taken captive from sin I fail to abstain
But your steadfast love endures forever
My emotions ebb-and-flow and more often leave me in pain
But your steadfast love endures forever
My words spoken in haste, angrily, unseasoned, and in vain
But your steadfast love endures forever
My actions immature, foolish, and done with much disdain
But your steadfast love endures forever
My will done selfishly when in your words I do not remain
But your steadfast love endures forever

Your steadfast love endures forever because of who you are
You steadfast love endures forever even when I’ve gone afar
Your steadfast love endures forever and it cannot be outlawed
Your steadfast love endures forever for you are a faithful God

Your steadfast love surrounds me, no matter where I go
It goes before and behind me, your love is always on show
Your steadfast love has won me over, it makes my life glow
With the radiance of your lavish love that on me you bestow

So I give thanks to your for loving me as steadfastly as you do
Greater love has no one than this, and this love am diving into
Your steadfast love is transforming me into something new
I look into your word and it says, “I’m becoming just like you.”