Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Love endures even when it hurts
Love holds on even when told to let go
Love waits even when it seems in vain
Love prays because love and prayer together are powerful
Love shines even in the darkest of times
Love critiques but it never criticizes
Love follows but it is not obsessive
Love believes even when all hope seems lost
Love never becomes stale but remains fresh
Love stays true even when it is not returned
Love forgives regardless of the wrong
Love is a feeling but it is also much more
Love is not a duty or obligation but a commitment
Love is costly but it is worth it
Love cannot be devalued or cheapened
Love remains true in spite of and it needs no qualifier

Monday, December 27, 2010


To have a grateful attitude, we should all aspire,
it is worth more than material things that we so oft desire.
Its quality is outstanding and many times rare,
so grab hold of it and never let go, don't you dare.

Its value is priceless and can never be cheapened,
it's much more than saying, "Thank God for the weekend!"
It can seem shallow but it never stays that way,
for it penetrates the heart and becomes a mainstay.

Expressing gratitude should be encouraged to become a lifestyle,
it gives you a healthy outlook even when it is difficult to smile.
It is an attitude that helps to bring about a healthy state of mind,
for even in the midst of life's storms, God's grace you will find.

And so you give thanks in spite of, and not just because,
for even if the night is dark, you know that there are stars.
So cultivate a grateful attitude, no matter how hard life is or may become,
and you will enjoy life's many blessings, and you yourself will be one.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Poem

The star awakes its purpose awaits
today the day of fulfillment, 
to lead these men to the new born king
somewhere in Bethlehem. 
Their anxiety builds, "This is something big, 
we've got to follow its lead. 
A journey from the East to a house, not a palace. 
Who ever will believe?"

Out in the fields shepherds converse
as they keep watch o'er their flocks of sheep at night. When suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared with glorious, radiant light.
"Don't be afraid, I've got good news that will bring great joy to all the people!"
Paralyzed with fear they could not speak,
but nodded all the same. 
"A savior is born in Bethlehem, Jesus is his name!"

They found the babe just as they were told
in a manger sound asleep.
They rejoiced and went to spread the news,
this message was too good to keep.

It troubled the king when he heard,
but he did not understand.
This babe was God come to earth
to fulfill God's redemption plan.

Shepherds rejoiced, the wise men worshiped,
a host of angels sang praise.
All this for the babe in Bethlehem born,
the Savior King, the Ancient of Days.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gifts of Christmas

                                                         The Gift of Salvation

The excitement builds as we get closer to Christmas day. We look forward to seeing and hanging out with family and friends. We also look forward to giving and receiving gifts. Sometimes the gifts are more than just presents. Sometimes we experience the reconciliation of a relationship that had been strained or broken. Sometimes there is the gift of a new born baby, a wedding, a new relationship, a new job or career, a new venture, a new ministry, a second chance or new beginning, etc. However, the main reason we gather to celebrate far outweighs all of these blessings. We gather to celebrate the greatest gift of all, and that is Jesus. His birth foretold and fulfilled was the single most important birth event in history.

When the angel appeared to Joseph he said to him, "... call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1: 21b). When Jesus's parents took him to the temple in Jerusalem, Simeon also expressed this truth. He said, " For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles ..." (Luke 2:30-32a). John the Baptist announced when he saw Jesus, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29b).

There are many more scriptures that talks about Jesus as Saviour in both the Old and New Testaments. We know that Jesus is our saviour, but sometimes we forget that salvation is a gift. As significant as Jesus's birth was, his entrance into our world was to bring salvation. He was given in order for us to be reconciled to God. He was born so we would be born again. He came so we would experience new life and the freedom from sins captivity. He was gifted to us so we would be brought into God's family and experience his full blessings.

As we celebrate, let's give thanks for this gift of salvation. Let us also pray for others who have not yet received this gift of salvation. Let us pray for each other that we would realize our salvation is full, not partial. As such, we are completely free from sins captivity. Let us give thanks that Jesus was gifted to us for our salvation. A salvation that is full and free. Let us also give thanks that this gift of salvation will be received by many this Christmas.    

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Too Familiar

Many of us are familiar with the account of Jesus' birth. The familiarity can make this incredible demonstration of love, well, all too familiar. We can develop a level of disinterest, especially in our culture that consistently seeks entertainment. However, it is said that repetition is important to learning. It is true that repetition can become boring, but the problem lies within us. The problem is not so much due to repetition as it is due to our failure to spend the time in thought, examination, and appreciation. In light of this failure, there are things we overlook or take for granted. This is also helped by our consistent quest for novelty which decreases our attention span and rapidly changes our interests. Therefore, we become preoccupied with many things most of which are distractions. As such, the depth of knowledge and understanding necessary to enhance the learning experience is not enjoyed. Things that are familiar become routine and stale. The knowledge and understanding stays close to or just on the surface. This hinders the experiences necessary for greater learning and appreciation to occur. As Christmas day draws near let us spend time in thought, examination, and appreciation. Let us open ourselves to further knowledge and understanding of God's love demonstrated in his ultimate gift to us. Let us "come and adore him, Christ the Lord". When we do, Jesus' birth will become more than familiar.  

Friday, December 17, 2010

A swear word?

Curious? The title may bring such a reaction and for two reasons. One, you may wonder if I do use swear words. Let's pretend:
You: Do you swear that you use swear words?
Me: I do.
I have not used swear words on others but have used them on occasion in response to my own foolish acts. Responding this way may seem a little harsh or a little foolish. I agree but that's not the focus of this post.
Two, you may be curious about the possible swear word. When that word is revealed you may be shocked. You may even use a swear word (hopefully not). If you do then use the word I am about to reveal as your swear word. The word is politician. What? Am I serious? Sorry to disappoint you, but I am serious. Let me explain.

The eleventh edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (2004) defined swear word as "an offensive or obscene word". The word politician should be placed in this category. The way our politicians conduct themselves usually evokes a response of disgust. One of the definitions of a politician is "a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way to gain advancement for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons" (Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 2004; Merriam-Webster, 2010).

Our politicians are also called elected leaders. The adjective is true but not the noun. Our politicians seem incapable of fulfilling their roles as leaders. Our politicians are seemingly too immersed in partisanship and personal gains instead of the peoples' well-being. This highlights the urgent need for leadership and for being a politician to take a backseat. A brief look at politicians across the globe will not lead to any significant discoveries or distinctions. Of course there are different political views and philosophies but the conclusion is the same. Politicians don't provide the leadership necessary for their country's effective functioning. However, we have to shoulder the blame as well. Here are a few reasons why:
One, we depend too heavily on politicians to be our saviors. We expect politicians to fix all of our problems. We expect them to create policies to meet our every need. We have these expectations without much thought to the broader consequences.
Two, we rely too heavily on what politicians say and less on their leadership skills and values. I am not talking about their political ideologies only but their personal values. Anyone can make promises. Anyone can claim a group's political ideologies as their own in order to gain advancement. This also applies to a politician's claiming specific religious ideologies.
Three, we get so caught up in partisanship that we are willing to cover up or excuse our party's intentional wrongdoings. In addition, we are also quick to find any area of fault and/or not give credit to another party.
Four, we don't pursue strict accountability within our political preferences. As such, we allow our politicians to conduct themselves in any manner they choose.

Here are some differences between a leader and a politician:
- A politician beats around the bush, but a leader gives a straight and honest answer.
- A politician seeks personal and party advancement, but a leader seeks the advancement of the people      regardless of their political persuasion.
- A politician is short-sighted, but a leader is far-sighted and has a holistic outlook as well.
- A politician flip-flops, but a leader remains true regardless and is also willing to admit mistakes.
- A politician says what he or she does, but a leader does what he or she says.

In light of the expressed thoughts, I do think that the word politician is synonymous with swear words. The actions of politicians are usually obscene and offensive. Also, when I examine my life, sometimes I act like a politician. For that reason as well, I do want to swear. Instead I'll just say the word, Politician.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Born to Live

Intentions, the dreams, good thoughts,
no action, no devotion, no motion.
All stifle the soul, the mind, the heart, the body, the person
to think, to plan, to desire, to dream.
Yet unmoved, half-hearted, afraid to risk
damages, hurts, destroys.
Why? Why? Why?
You're stuck, bad habit, routine, mundane,
pretense, masquerade, fake, yet you smile.
You struggle, there's pain.
You cry, the tears, your heart bleeds,
your mind seems to have shutdown.
What can you do? Where can you go?
To find love, to be loved, to give love.
You want to love unconditionally but you hide - within, without.
There is discomfort instead of comfort.
Why not let discomfort be from living instead of not?
So bruise, fall, hurt, cry,
cause living brings all of these.
But don't let your intentions, dreams, thoughts,
stay inside and then die.
Act, Move, Commit, Love, Live!