The Gift of Salvation
The excitement builds as we get closer to Christmas day. We look forward to seeing and hanging out with family and friends. We also look forward to giving and receiving gifts. Sometimes the gifts are more than just presents. Sometimes we experience the reconciliation of a relationship that had been strained or broken. Sometimes there is the gift of a new born baby, a wedding, a new relationship, a new job or career, a new venture, a new ministry, a second chance or new beginning, etc. However, the main reason we gather to celebrate far outweighs all of these blessings. We gather to celebrate the greatest gift of all, and that is Jesus. His birth foretold and fulfilled was the single most important birth event in history.
When the angel appeared to Joseph he said to him, "... call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1: 21b). When Jesus's parents took him to the temple in Jerusalem, Simeon also expressed this truth. He said, " For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles ..." (Luke 2:30-32a). John the Baptist announced when he saw Jesus, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29b).
There are many more scriptures that talks about Jesus as Saviour in both the Old and New Testaments. We know that Jesus is our saviour, but sometimes we forget that salvation is a gift. As significant as Jesus's birth was, his entrance into our world was to bring salvation. He was given in order for us to be reconciled to God. He was born so we would be born again. He came so we would experience new life and the freedom from sins captivity. He was gifted to us so we would be brought into God's family and experience his full blessings.
As we celebrate, let's give thanks for this gift of salvation. Let us also pray for others who have not yet received this gift of salvation. Let us pray for each other that we would realize our salvation is full, not partial. As such, we are completely free from sins captivity. Let us give thanks that Jesus was gifted to us for our salvation. A salvation that is full and free. Let us also give thanks that this gift of salvation will be received by many this Christmas.
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