If God has provided abundantly for the salvation of our souls. Will he not also provide for our day-to-day needs? Be encouraged.
How the kingdom of God is built: God over us + God in us + God through us.
The kind of relationship we have with God determines the kind of fruits we produce.
To love God as he commanded leads us in the right way to serve Him.
The devil lies to us but he speaks the truth before God. He knows that God cannot lie and as such lies are exposed in his presence.
As Christians, because we major on minors and minor on majors it dulls our witness to and our impact in the world.
It is sad that we often live out our Christianity similar to a job we consider average and not as a privilege. Is it any wonder that we take regular "sick", "no-pay" and "vacation" days or just show up?
Whether we love or hate or don't believe in God we cannot escape him.
It is baffling how we as intelligent people could believe in an unintelligent creation of life and the universe.
Jesus did not die to bargain with death, hell, and the grave but to demonstrate His authority over them.
The best we can do in our own strength and skill is infinitely less than what God can do through us.
Hard work and proper teaching are necessary to learn and master a skill, but wisdom is necessary for its proper application.
A hatred of the dark makes us hungry for the light.
God wants us to be full of Him not of ourselves.
Instead of focusing on asking God: "Why did this or that happened?" Let us ask instead: "God, what are you saying to me or what are you teaching me about you?"
To take a step of faith as God asks impacts our fate as God purposed.
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