Monday, June 25, 2012

Corporate Worship: Individual Confession

I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD!" [Psalm 122:1]

There are times in my life when going to the house of the LORD is not appealing. Yesterday was one of those days. In those moments, my focus is on me and not on the One whom I claim to love. Such selfish moments show that I am lacking in my devotion and commitment to Him. Though I make rationalizations why I choose to do something else or stay at home, there is no getting past what it really is: selfishness. In essence, I am choosing to withhold from the LORD what is truly His. This means that I am giving to another what belongs to the Him. It does not matter who or what this other is it becomes my god. Therefore, I am choosing to sin against Him, breaking the first commandment. Essentially, I am spitting in the face of the LORD, so to speak.

The LORD requires, desires, and commands my worship, not because He would be miserable without it. Or, because it is essential to His existence. The truth is, even if I choose to not worship Him He will still be worshiped. Creation cannot help but worship Him (e.g., Ps 19:1; Lk 19:40). Creation longs and loves to worship Him. As someone created in His image and likeness, I am given the privilege to worship Him. As a matter of fact, He is the One who has given me this privilege. It is not that I deserve to worship Him. It is not that my worship adds anything to Him, nor does it take anything away from Him. The LORD is not lessened in His nature by my failure to worship Him. He does not need an ego boost. Nor does He needs to be entertained. However, He is delighted when I worship Him. I am the one who benefits when I choose to worship Him. In worship I get to experience more of who He is and my desire for Him is further stirred. 

So, yesterday, when I had one of those moments, the LORD challenged me. He has done so in different ways, but mainly through others, which was what He did yesterday. Previously, I would not say anything when my desire is to not go to the house of the LORD. Or, I would find a way to go "missing" or schedule something else. God, however, desires relationship not religion. As such, He is not satisfied with my nonchalance and selfishness. He knows how essential worship is to my relationship with Him and His people. He values it and wants me to protect it dearly. He wants me to value it as He does. Going to His house is a privileged opportunity that furthers my desire to grow in intimacy with Him. 

LORD, thank You for challenging me in my moments of selfishness. Thanks for all whom You moved to challenge me in such moments. Help me to bring such selfish feelings and attitudes to You, always. I know You will set me aright and lead me to worship You in spirit and truth. Increase my devotion and help me to honor my commitment to love You with my everything. Thanks for the privilege of going to Your house to worship You. Such a privilege is truly sweet and honorable that I should never despise or take for granted. Help me to always treasure going to Your house. Let my focus always be on You, for that is more more than enough to fill me with gladness to go to Your house to worship You with others, no matter what.

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