A wretched man, and foul as I,
you freely came for me to die.
Hung on a cross, treated shamefully,
mocked, spat on, insulted by people like me.
Myself, could I never really save,
by respecting others and ensuring I do behave?
I try to be and do good, but from you I'm apart,
unable to rid myself of a deceitfully wicked heart.
Mistakes and sins are ever in front of me,
my tries have not been able to set me free.
Can I in you salvation find,
and will you really give me a peace of mind?
Your life was perfect and mine is not,
yet you want to give me what you've got.
But, won't my sins contaminate you?
See, I am polluted and corrupt but you are true.
I hear your blood has all power,
to cleanse from sin no matter the hour.
But, how can I ever remain free,
when I am prone to calamity?
Won't your sacrifice be all in vain,
or won't my failures tarnish your name?
You see that I still struggle with sinful thoughts,
sometimes falling victim to their daily onslaughts.
My words at times aren't healthy,
and my foolish actions are a-plenty.
Knowing all of this, will you still say,
"I died for you, I love you anyway?!"
Well, if that's true, then help me to be sure,
that I will always be yours now and ever more.
Help me to trust that it's all because of you,
and it's nothing that I bring or could ever do.
Oh, such a wretched man, but now I cry,
"thank you Lord for choosing to die.
Thank you for have hanging on the cross for me,
So I could be brought into your family!"
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