If dreams only come when we are asleep. Shouldn't some dreams be considered an enemy, or an annoyance at least?
Am I not cheating on my awake self and thus living two lives if dreams only come to me when I am asleep?
Was the swamp originally a clean body of water that just got lazy?
Is a pig-in-a-blanket more dignified than a pig in a sty?
If it is good to dream, should we not sleep longer?
If cowards die a thousand times before they actually die, should we not send them to war?
If there is such a thing as a bookworm, why aren't libraries and bookstores filled with them?
If someone has "bags" over their eyes, are they paper or plastic?
Is rain a bathroom break for the clouds?
If you are to pray continually, should prayers not include, "to be continued or ttyl", before "amen"?
What is the real reason we put words in parenthesis? Are we afraid they would run away? Are they too hyper or unruly? Or in need of support or alone time?
Is February 29th like a drunk who just happens to stumble its way on the calendar once every four years?
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