I stand here feeling alone.
where are you?
why did you not come?
what about your promises?
I trust you, but this has shaken my faith.
are you still there?
are you listening?
Please answer me.
I know you love me,
but I am at a loss to understand
why this has happened.
are you still here holding my hand?
My eyes are filled with tears,
they are stuck together.
As a matter of fact, I don't want to
open them.
O, I feel it's better to not see again.
Better to not see the smiles of others.
Better to not face life again.
Better to not feel again.
Better to not feel pain.
question, where is the joy in this?
maybe it is better to be numb?
are you there?
are you listening?
I need you. I really need you.
Help me to believe in your love a little more
today than I did yesterday.
Help me to see you even with my eyes closed.
Even as the tears stream down my face.
Even as the pain rages on inside.
Help me to feel your warmth and loving embrace.
Help me to trust a little more in your promises today than
I did yesterday.
Especially, that you were there with me
when all this went down,
and that you are here with me today, and will be tomorrow.
Today I am trying to rejoice but it is hard,
and I am grateful you know that
and still choose to love me unconditionally.
Your word says I will find strength in your joy.
Your word says in my weakness your strength is
made perfect.
So, in spite of my tears, my pain, my disappointment,
my questions, and all the indifferent emotions and thoughts,
I say: Thank You.
Thank you for being near,
for never forsaking,
for always loving,
and for being true to your promises.
Help me to never lose faith in You
and Your promises,
O faithful God.
P.S: This was written for a couple going through a tough time at the moment.
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