I've been costing you a lot lately
more so over the past few years,
how can you not be ashamed of me,
when you've had to shed so many tears?.
I've failed badly, I want to hide
but you keep looking out for me,
seeking to draw me to your side
by your grace amazing, full, and free.
I did and did not, to be in control
worked hard to be on my own,
doing whatever I please, it's my role
to live as I choose, to reap what I've sown.
You never give in, you never give up
your grace, so sure and rich, is more than enough,
Jesus paid for my sins, he drank the cup
he did it for me and it is more than enough.
So, here I am, seeking your face
take all of me, I really want to change,
in my heart and life, please set the pace
conform me to your will, my mind renew, rearrange.
Let my heart be filled with praise
no matter what is my desire,
trusting in your sovereign ways,
I'm here Lord, set my life on fire.
Father in heaven, hallowed be your name
your kingdom come, your will be done,
with you as my God I'll never be the same
hands lifted high the battle's won.
I bow and worship, with a heart anew,
gazing into your face as you call me friend,
living free by your words full and true,
to your power and glory forever, Amen!
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