Sometimes we develop a liking for someone and try our best to keep it in check (that's what I do). Trying to keep our feelings in check can be a good thing. One of the reasons is because we don't want to put that person on the throne in our life. Doing something like that can be very dangerous. Another reason we don't is that it can be our way of copping out (true for me).
However, in this effort to control our liking for another we may miss a wonderful opportunity. That is, we may miss the opportunity to impact and be impacted by that person in wonderful ways. If we analyze our reasons for liking that person and find those reasons to be healthy, go ahead and tell the person. Also, talk to another person whom you respect and trust because of their love and judgement. This will help to put things in perspective and guide your actions. More importantly, pray that God would lead you to develop a godly approach and relationship with that person you like. In doing so, you are guaranteed wisdom. You will be guided how to act in the best interest of that person, and not selfishly.
Sometimes, we are afraid of rejection and other negative reactions. Sometimes it is hard to get past rejections and negative reactions, especially if you have had more of them than positives. Getting past the negatives and rejections can be even harder when we would have gone about the situation with pure motives. Those reactions, though hurtful, can do the work similar to that done by fire to precious metals. Yes it hurts. Yes there is pain. But it is another opportunity where our intentions and affections are tested and refined. The negatives and rejections should, in time, become experiences that take us forward to love.
How? Not in our own strength and on our own, but with God's help and the sincere love and friendship of others. We will, as time goes on, like others even when they don't react positively to us liking them. We will find ourselves growing in love for them. Why? Because we know what it means to love. How? Because we know we are loved unconditionally and are experiencing such love daily. Because of this we can't wait until love is returned in order to give it away.
My honest contemplations and experiential writings for reflections, edifications, and encouragements. Also, a little bit of bs just for kicks.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Good or Alive?
Am I a good person? I guess if I were to compare myself to the world's standards of who a good person is, then, yes. Can I be a better person? The answer is definitely yes. However, there are more important or real questions to ask. There are deeper, richer, and truer questions to ask. What is God's desire for me? Why did he send his Son to die? Is it because I am a good person? Is it because he wanted to make me a better person? The answer to the last two questions is, No!
The answers to these questions do not lie in what I do but who I am. In all honesty, I was not born a good person. Born into a good family? Yes. In the sense that they taught me how to live morally upright. These principles were to help me be a good person, and then as I get older grow into a better person through consistent application of these principles. If these principles were enough then God would not have seen it necessary to send Jesus to die. Also, being born into a good family is helpful but it does not always results in making a person good. Neither does being into a bad family always results in making a person bad. As a friend of mine said, "Jesus did not die to make a bad person good or a good person better. He died to make us alive because we were dead."
In society's eyes and standards, I am a good person. In God's eyes, I was dead. Yes, dead. Dead in my morally uprightness. Unable to do anything to save myself. Unable to do enough good works to qualify for entry into his kingdom. Unable to live in the light. Unable to live in freedom. Just like a dead person can't do anything because there is no life, so was I. Just like a dead person is buried, rotting, and being fed on by worms, so was I. Just like a dead person is separated from loved ones, so was I. Just like a dead person is without strength, so was I.
I can do all I can to look good in the eyes of society, yet still have a wicked heart. I can spend my whole life doing good, but still not do enough. However, it is important for me to do good. My actions of doing good are essential to have and develop good relationships and interactions. In relation to society as a whole, my good actions help to make me a good member of society. I have a duty to strive to bring about and maintain the effective functioning of society.
With that said, society puts a limit on morality. Good behavior has been and is construed as relative. There are universally accepted principles, but they only go so far. We find loopholes in order not to carry them out fully. For example, I can rationalize and justify why I should not treat someone respectfully. The ultimate reason for my rationalization and justification was because I was dead, just as God said. Therefore, knowing that I am prone to such thoughts and actions, it was impossible for me to meet God's standards. God was not satisfied with me being good and then trying to be better. Again, a dead person is incapable of living. God had to do something, and that he did without a second thought.
Now, I am alive, and fully. There was and is no half involved. Now, I have God's spirit in me equipping and enabling me to do good. It flows from the inside out. The good I am called to do is not relative or conditional, it is always true and unconditional. No rationalizations or justifications. A wonderful thing is that my life is no longer based on performance. It is not how much good I do but the life that was given for and to me. The joy of this is that I can't help but live it out. God has brought his kingdom into my life. There was no way for me to achieve that, not as a dead person. His kingdom in me has brought me to life - am no longer dead. His kingdom in me has given me strength - am no longer without strength. His kingdom in me has given me freedom and peace - am no longer condemned or imprisoned. His kingdom in me has given me light - am no longer lost and in the dark. His kingdom in me will be completed and perfected - and that with certainty!
I am not a good person trying to be better. I am alive and God is perfecting in me his righteousness so I will be more like his Son. This is true for all of his sons and daughters.
The answers to these questions do not lie in what I do but who I am. In all honesty, I was not born a good person. Born into a good family? Yes. In the sense that they taught me how to live morally upright. These principles were to help me be a good person, and then as I get older grow into a better person through consistent application of these principles. If these principles were enough then God would not have seen it necessary to send Jesus to die. Also, being born into a good family is helpful but it does not always results in making a person good. Neither does being into a bad family always results in making a person bad. As a friend of mine said, "Jesus did not die to make a bad person good or a good person better. He died to make us alive because we were dead."
In society's eyes and standards, I am a good person. In God's eyes, I was dead. Yes, dead. Dead in my morally uprightness. Unable to do anything to save myself. Unable to do enough good works to qualify for entry into his kingdom. Unable to live in the light. Unable to live in freedom. Just like a dead person can't do anything because there is no life, so was I. Just like a dead person is buried, rotting, and being fed on by worms, so was I. Just like a dead person is separated from loved ones, so was I. Just like a dead person is without strength, so was I.
I can do all I can to look good in the eyes of society, yet still have a wicked heart. I can spend my whole life doing good, but still not do enough. However, it is important for me to do good. My actions of doing good are essential to have and develop good relationships and interactions. In relation to society as a whole, my good actions help to make me a good member of society. I have a duty to strive to bring about and maintain the effective functioning of society.
With that said, society puts a limit on morality. Good behavior has been and is construed as relative. There are universally accepted principles, but they only go so far. We find loopholes in order not to carry them out fully. For example, I can rationalize and justify why I should not treat someone respectfully. The ultimate reason for my rationalization and justification was because I was dead, just as God said. Therefore, knowing that I am prone to such thoughts and actions, it was impossible for me to meet God's standards. God was not satisfied with me being good and then trying to be better. Again, a dead person is incapable of living. God had to do something, and that he did without a second thought.
Now, I am alive, and fully. There was and is no half involved. Now, I have God's spirit in me equipping and enabling me to do good. It flows from the inside out. The good I am called to do is not relative or conditional, it is always true and unconditional. No rationalizations or justifications. A wonderful thing is that my life is no longer based on performance. It is not how much good I do but the life that was given for and to me. The joy of this is that I can't help but live it out. God has brought his kingdom into my life. There was no way for me to achieve that, not as a dead person. His kingdom in me has brought me to life - am no longer dead. His kingdom in me has given me strength - am no longer without strength. His kingdom in me has given me freedom and peace - am no longer condemned or imprisoned. His kingdom in me has given me light - am no longer lost and in the dark. His kingdom in me will be completed and perfected - and that with certainty!
I am not a good person trying to be better. I am alive and God is perfecting in me his righteousness so I will be more like his Son. This is true for all of his sons and daughters.
you are trying, but it's hard
sometimes you feel overwhelmed,
unsure, frustrated,
and you want to run away,
but you don't.
too aggressive or too passive,
too quick or too slow,
either case, you miss
a lot of wonderful opportunities.
some say: "if it will be
then it will happen."
but is that always true?
you want to do well,
but you hear:
"you are too aggressive".
or, "slow down, take a chill pill."
you want to do well,
but you hear:
"you are too passive,
or, "too slow, get a move on."
as you look at the opportunities
you missed, should you say:
"well, it wasn't meant to be,"
or instead, "my aggression or passivity
cost me this great opportunity."
whatever persistent struggles we have,
would they not hinder us from:
receiving the best, and also,
capitalizing on the best opportunities?
or will it still work out?
some will say, "yes, it will still work out".
others say the same thing but in a different way:
"it wasn't meant to be".
but others will say: "you missed out because you ...
so what do you do?
how do you overcome?
how do you keep moving forward?
well, some say: ask for help.
some say: work on it as much and hard as you can.
some say: some say pray to ...
some say: don't worry about it, it's just who you are.
some say: too bad, you just got to live with it.
some say: ...
God says: Trust, Delight, Commit, and Wait.
know this: whom you listen to deeply,
and also decide to believe,
will be the wisdom you choose to live by.
sometimes you feel overwhelmed,
unsure, frustrated,
and you want to run away,
but you don't.
too aggressive or too passive,
too quick or too slow,
either case, you miss
a lot of wonderful opportunities.
some say: "if it will be
then it will happen."
but is that always true?
you want to do well,
but you hear:
"you are too aggressive".
or, "slow down, take a chill pill."
you want to do well,
but you hear:
"you are too passive,
or, "too slow, get a move on."
as you look at the opportunities
you missed, should you say:
"well, it wasn't meant to be,"
or instead, "my aggression or passivity
cost me this great opportunity."
whatever persistent struggles we have,
would they not hinder us from:
receiving the best, and also,
capitalizing on the best opportunities?
or will it still work out?
some will say, "yes, it will still work out".
others say the same thing but in a different way:
"it wasn't meant to be".
but others will say: "you missed out because you ...
so what do you do?
how do you overcome?
how do you keep moving forward?
well, some say: ask for help.
some say: work on it as much and hard as you can.
some say: some say pray to ...
some say: don't worry about it, it's just who you are.
some say: too bad, you just got to live with it.
some say: ...
God says: Trust, Delight, Commit, and Wait.
know this: whom you listen to deeply,
and also decide to believe,
will be the wisdom you choose to live by.
Monday, February 21, 2011
I'd love to, but ...
I'd love to think, but my mind is stuck,
in a rut, trying to move on but I just can't get up,
and out of this cage, to be free: should I erupt,
in a violent rage, and hope that that's enough?
I'd love to breathe, but my nose is clogged,
besides the air is polluted, but I still feel robbed,
of breathing, am suffocating and my spirit's bogged,
down with heaviness, I feel destined to be mobbed.
I'd love to hear, but my ears are plugged,
they are filled with junk, and am repeatedly mugged,
of the truth, and now am no longer snugged,
a crying shame, it feels like I've been drugged.
I'd love to feel, but can't, because I am numb,
lost all emotions, lifeless is what I've become,
I'd love to move, but also in thought I can't even run,
falling apart, unraveling, I am coming undone.
in a rut, trying to move on but I just can't get up,
and out of this cage, to be free: should I erupt,
in a violent rage, and hope that that's enough?
I'd love to breathe, but my nose is clogged,
besides the air is polluted, but I still feel robbed,
of breathing, am suffocating and my spirit's bogged,
down with heaviness, I feel destined to be mobbed.
I'd love to hear, but my ears are plugged,
they are filled with junk, and am repeatedly mugged,
of the truth, and now am no longer snugged,
a crying shame, it feels like I've been drugged.
I'd love to feel, but can't, because I am numb,
lost all emotions, lifeless is what I've become,
I'd love to move, but also in thought I can't even run,
falling apart, unraveling, I am coming undone.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Aspects of Love
Love, we talk about it
long to experience it
go scouring for it
are lonely without it.
Love, more than a feeling
more than a thought
more than an act
more than desire.
Love, sung about in songs
written about in poems
advertised in commercials
portrayed in movies.
Love, is far-reaching
is not concerned about age
cannot be restricted by race
is not confined to one gender.
Love, has different levels
it is expressed and experienced
it is present and consistent
it is patient and unconditional.
Love, can't be bought
it can't be forced
it can't be held hostage
it can't be destroyed.
Love, is seen
is felt
is heard
is spoken.
Love, we all need it
can't live without it
we give and receive it
Love, an excellent gift.
long to experience it
go scouring for it
are lonely without it.
Love, more than a feeling
more than a thought
more than an act
more than desire.
Love, sung about in songs
written about in poems
advertised in commercials
portrayed in movies.
Love, is far-reaching
is not concerned about age
cannot be restricted by race
is not confined to one gender.
Love, has different levels
it is expressed and experienced
it is present and consistent
it is patient and unconditional.
Love, can't be bought
it can't be forced
it can't be held hostage
it can't be destroyed.
Love, is seen
is felt
is heard
is spoken.
Love, we all need it
can't live without it
we give and receive it
Love, an excellent gift.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Being Intentional
We see but don't look, watch but don't observe, glance but don't stare,
our reflection tells a story but we're afraid to look.
the mirror speaks, but we are afraid to listen
we pray but it is not real, honest, deep, just routine.
we're afraid to seek, to search, to scour,
afraid that those actions are too much like those of a bum.
but aren't we? are we not bums?
for whom did Jesus die? isn't it bums?
have we forgotten? or are we being selective in remembering?
are we too ashamed of our sins?
or are we just being pretentious?
we can't be that proud or scared? are we?
are we ashamed of ourselves?
though we should be, why stay there?
Jesus loves us, he said it, it is recorded, he demonstrated,
and continues to without error or failure.
his love is real, honest, deep.
He looks, observes, stares, speaks, listens, prays, seeks, searches, scours for us.
Yes, For US! You and ME! For Real!
So, look, observe, stare intentionally,
pray real, deep, and honest prayers,
seek, search, scour like a bum.
no shame in it.
when we do, the joy Jesus longs for us to have will be ours.
others will see it.
they will look, observe, stare, listen, pray, seek, search, scour
with real intent.
what a refreshing thing it would be all because we:
look instead of just seeing, observe instead of just watching,
stare instead of just glancing, listen instead of just hearing,
really pray instead of just routinely praying,
seek, search, scour daily instead of being indifferent.
We will experience Jesus intimately,
and to this end he longs, seeks, and prays.
our reflection tells a story but we're afraid to look.
the mirror speaks, but we are afraid to listen
we pray but it is not real, honest, deep, just routine.
we're afraid to seek, to search, to scour,
afraid that those actions are too much like those of a bum.
but aren't we? are we not bums?
for whom did Jesus die? isn't it bums?
have we forgotten? or are we being selective in remembering?
are we too ashamed of our sins?
or are we just being pretentious?
we can't be that proud or scared? are we?
are we ashamed of ourselves?
though we should be, why stay there?
Jesus loves us, he said it, it is recorded, he demonstrated,
and continues to without error or failure.
his love is real, honest, deep.
He looks, observes, stares, speaks, listens, prays, seeks, searches, scours for us.
Yes, For US! You and ME! For Real!
So, look, observe, stare intentionally,
pray real, deep, and honest prayers,
seek, search, scour like a bum.
no shame in it.
when we do, the joy Jesus longs for us to have will be ours.
others will see it.
they will look, observe, stare, listen, pray, seek, search, scour
with real intent.
what a refreshing thing it would be all because we:
look instead of just seeing, observe instead of just watching,
stare instead of just glancing, listen instead of just hearing,
really pray instead of just routinely praying,
seek, search, scour daily instead of being indifferent.
We will experience Jesus intimately,
and to this end he longs, seeks, and prays.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Faith To Overcome Fear
Fear cripples, fear magnifies the ripples
Fear creeps, fear interrupts the sleep
Fear encroaches, fear pummels with reproaches
Fear accuses, fear consistently abuses
Fear weakens, fear in the dark deepens
Fear blinds, fear suffocates the mind
Fear chokes, fear dispels all hope
Fear crowds, fear the sun enshrouds
Faith empowers - helps you to believe
Faith instills - a spirit that expects to receive
Faith overcomes - fear no matter fear's size
Faith breathes - a hope that is always alive
Faith strengthens - when placed in God above
Faith invigorates - to exercise the spirit of love
Faith emboldens - no matter the task
Faith equips - guaranteed, just ask
Faith enlightens - it makes real the truth
Faith removes - the lies of fear at its root
Faith guards - your heart from deception
Faith imparts - confidence in Jesus' resurrection
Faith acts - when aligns with God's word
Faith acts - when God says, even if it seems absurd
"Faith is the victory that overcomes the world!" (1 John 5:4b)
Fear creeps, fear interrupts the sleep
Fear encroaches, fear pummels with reproaches
Fear accuses, fear consistently abuses
Fear weakens, fear in the dark deepens
Fear blinds, fear suffocates the mind
Fear chokes, fear dispels all hope
Fear crowds, fear the sun enshrouds
Faith empowers - helps you to believe
Faith instills - a spirit that expects to receive
Faith overcomes - fear no matter fear's size
Faith breathes - a hope that is always alive
Faith strengthens - when placed in God above
Faith invigorates - to exercise the spirit of love
Faith emboldens - no matter the task
Faith equips - guaranteed, just ask
Faith enlightens - it makes real the truth
Faith removes - the lies of fear at its root
Faith guards - your heart from deception
Faith imparts - confidence in Jesus' resurrection
Faith acts - when aligns with God's word
Faith acts - when God says, even if it seems absurd
"Faith is the victory that overcomes the world!" (1 John 5:4b)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A Cry
God is calling out to folks,
yes folks like you and me,
whom he has brought near to himself
and from sin has set us free.
Too long we have been wandering
and complacency has become the norm,
too long we have been drifting
and not heeding the impending storm.
But God is rich in mercy, and he longs for us to be,
people who live for him without compromise,
and do so fully and unashamedly.
There is need for revival within our resident lands,
and as God's chosen ones we need first to repent,
and entrust our lives in his unchanging hands.
We need to approach his throne of grace
and admit that we have failed,
to love him and those around us,
these commandments we have refrained.
We have become self-centered, filled with
nationalism and pride,
why do we wait until a disaster to stir us up,
though temporary, to remember we are his bride?
We've been chasing material things
and become secular in our lifestyle,
our heart has become tainted by things of
this world, we've fallen by the wayside.
Have mercy God, reach out your hand
and don't turn your back we pray,
for we want to experience your awesome works,
please revive us, now don't delay.
We want to see the lost save,
and the blind receive their sight,
we want the captives to be set free,
bring those in the dark out into the light.
Use us Lord wholeheartedly
to accomplish your perfect will,
shine your lights in and through us abundantly
so your great commission we fulfill.
May our hearts and heads be bowed in prayer,
and may our hands and feet be at work,
the field is white, the harvest ripe,
and ready for us to work.
May we go forth with your anointing power,
and live out and preach your gospel,
so the lost and dying and hurting ones
can also sing, "with my soul, tis well."
yes folks like you and me,
whom he has brought near to himself
and from sin has set us free.
Too long we have been wandering
and complacency has become the norm,
too long we have been drifting
and not heeding the impending storm.
But God is rich in mercy, and he longs for us to be,
people who live for him without compromise,
and do so fully and unashamedly.
There is need for revival within our resident lands,
and as God's chosen ones we need first to repent,
and entrust our lives in his unchanging hands.
We need to approach his throne of grace
and admit that we have failed,
to love him and those around us,
these commandments we have refrained.
We have become self-centered, filled with
nationalism and pride,
why do we wait until a disaster to stir us up,
though temporary, to remember we are his bride?
We've been chasing material things
and become secular in our lifestyle,
our heart has become tainted by things of
this world, we've fallen by the wayside.
Have mercy God, reach out your hand
and don't turn your back we pray,
for we want to experience your awesome works,
please revive us, now don't delay.
We want to see the lost save,
and the blind receive their sight,
we want the captives to be set free,
bring those in the dark out into the light.
Use us Lord wholeheartedly
to accomplish your perfect will,
shine your lights in and through us abundantly
so your great commission we fulfill.
May our hearts and heads be bowed in prayer,
and may our hands and feet be at work,
the field is white, the harvest ripe,
and ready for us to work.
May we go forth with your anointing power,
and live out and preach your gospel,
so the lost and dying and hurting ones
can also sing, "with my soul, tis well."
Some Thoughts
It may be easy to do nothing but even then you become something.
Some things are better left unsaid, so be careful what you say.
What's in a name? Characters, and that says a lot.
A life worth living makes death worth dying.
You are either up to something or down to nothing.
An addiction is something from which you would like to have a subtraction.
Some songs are just music that mask the absence of quality lyrics and vice versa.
Everyone who cries out for mercy should be granted that request. However, we should not condone justice in the process.
Whenever love finds you, learn how to give it away freely. The experience will transform you.
Love as described in the scriptures is neither dormant nor blind.
Love comes from God. It must be understood and received as such, not from our human expectations and perceptions.
In our culture where speed is seen as top priority, waiting seems backward. Actually, uncivilized and stone age-ish to be blunt. Thus, we try to hurry God along.
Whatever "price tag" you put on your life will determine: how you feel about it, how you present yourself, and ultimately, how you "spend" it.
There are two commandments for which moderation is just not enough.
A friend in need needs a friend.
Some things are better left unsaid, so be careful what you say.
What's in a name? Characters, and that says a lot.
A life worth living makes death worth dying.
Life is not meant to be a competition but cooperation.
Great minds may think alike, but ensure you evaluate your thoughts before you agree with others.
You are either up to something or down to nothing.
An addiction is something from which you would like to have a subtraction.
Some songs are just music that mask the absence of quality lyrics and vice versa.
Everyone who cries out for mercy should be granted that request. However, we should not condone justice in the process.
Whenever love finds you, learn how to give it away freely. The experience will transform you.
Love as described in the scriptures is neither dormant nor blind.
Love comes from God. It must be understood and received as such, not from our human expectations and perceptions.
In our culture where speed is seen as top priority, waiting seems backward. Actually, uncivilized and stone age-ish to be blunt. Thus, we try to hurry God along.
Whatever "price tag" you put on your life will determine: how you feel about it, how you present yourself, and ultimately, how you "spend" it.
There are two commandments for which moderation is just not enough.
I love you Lord
I love you Lord, that's what am here to say
I love you Lord, let it be seen in my actions today
I love you Lord, help me from you to never stray
I love you Lord, I know you'll walk with me all the way.
I love you Lord, I give my heart so you can make it yours
I love you Lord, whether am outside or behind closed doors
I love you Lord, both in the sunshine and when it pours
I love you Lord, take my life and make it fully yours.
I love you Lord, even though at times I fail
I love you Lord, even when doubts and fears assail
I love you Lord, even when the storms of life derail
I love you Lord, for I know your love will always prevail.
I love you Lord, even when my heart does break
I love you Lord, even if my friends do forsake
I love you Lord, even if I can't see the daybreak
I love you Lord, this is the best decision I'll ever make.
I love you Lord, but I know you love me first
I love you Lord, because you loved me first
I love you Lord, living water that quenches my thirst
I love you Lord, in your love I am now immersed.
I love you Lord, let it be seen in my actions today
I love you Lord, help me from you to never stray
I love you Lord, I know you'll walk with me all the way.
I love you Lord, I give my heart so you can make it yours
I love you Lord, whether am outside or behind closed doors
I love you Lord, both in the sunshine and when it pours
I love you Lord, take my life and make it fully yours.
I love you Lord, even though at times I fail
I love you Lord, even when doubts and fears assail
I love you Lord, even when the storms of life derail
I love you Lord, for I know your love will always prevail.
I love you Lord, even when my heart does break
I love you Lord, even if my friends do forsake
I love you Lord, even if I can't see the daybreak
I love you Lord, this is the best decision I'll ever make.
I love you Lord, but I know you love me first
I love you Lord, because you loved me first
I love you Lord, living water that quenches my thirst
I love you Lord, in your love I am now immersed.
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