you are trying, but it's hard
sometimes you feel overwhelmed,
unsure, frustrated,
and you want to run away,
but you don't.
too aggressive or too passive,
too quick or too slow,
either case, you miss
a lot of wonderful opportunities.
some say: "if it will be
then it will happen."
but is that always true?
you want to do well,
but you hear:
"you are too aggressive".
or, "slow down, take a chill pill."
you want to do well,
but you hear:
"you are too passive,
or, "too slow, get a move on."
as you look at the opportunities
you missed, should you say:
"well, it wasn't meant to be,"
or instead, "my aggression or passivity
cost me this great opportunity."
whatever persistent struggles we have,
would they not hinder us from:
receiving the best, and also,
capitalizing on the best opportunities?
or will it still work out?
some will say, "yes, it will still work out".
others say the same thing but in a different way:
"it wasn't meant to be".
but others will say: "you missed out because you ...
so what do you do?
how do you overcome?
how do you keep moving forward?
well, some say: ask for help.
some say: work on it as much and hard as you can.
some say: some say pray to ...
some say: don't worry about it, it's just who you are.
some say: too bad, you just got to live with it.
some say: ...
God says: Trust, Delight, Commit, and Wait.
know this: whom you listen to deeply,
and also decide to believe,
will be the wisdom you choose to live by.
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