We see but don't look, watch but don't observe, glance but don't stare,
our reflection tells a story but we're afraid to look.
the mirror speaks, but we are afraid to listen
we pray but it is not real, honest, deep, just routine.
we're afraid to seek, to search, to scour,
afraid that those actions are too much like those of a bum.
but aren't we? are we not bums?
for whom did Jesus die? isn't it bums?
have we forgotten? or are we being selective in remembering?
are we too ashamed of our sins?
or are we just being pretentious?
we can't be that proud or scared? are we?
are we ashamed of ourselves?
though we should be, why stay there?
Jesus loves us, he said it, it is recorded, he demonstrated,
and continues to without error or failure.
his love is real, honest, deep.
He looks, observes, stares, speaks, listens, prays, seeks, searches, scours for us.
Yes, For US! You and ME! For Real!
So, look, observe, stare intentionally,
pray real, deep, and honest prayers,
seek, search, scour like a bum.
no shame in it.
when we do, the joy Jesus longs for us to have will be ours.
others will see it.
they will look, observe, stare, listen, pray, seek, search, scour
with real intent.
what a refreshing thing it would be all because we:
look instead of just seeing, observe instead of just watching,
stare instead of just glancing, listen instead of just hearing,
really pray instead of just routinely praying,
seek, search, scour daily instead of being indifferent.
We will experience Jesus intimately,
and to this end he longs, seeks, and prays.
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