God is calling out to folks,
yes folks like you and me,
whom he has brought near to himself
and from sin has set us free.
Too long we have been wandering
and complacency has become the norm,
too long we have been drifting
and not heeding the impending storm.
But God is rich in mercy, and he longs for us to be,
people who live for him without compromise,
and do so fully and unashamedly.
There is need for revival within our resident lands,
and as God's chosen ones we need first to repent,
and entrust our lives in his unchanging hands.
We need to approach his throne of grace
and admit that we have failed,
to love him and those around us,
these commandments we have refrained.
We have become self-centered, filled with
nationalism and pride,
why do we wait until a disaster to stir us up,
though temporary, to remember we are his bride?
We've been chasing material things
and become secular in our lifestyle,
our heart has become tainted by things of
this world, we've fallen by the wayside.
Have mercy God, reach out your hand
and don't turn your back we pray,
for we want to experience your awesome works,
please revive us, now don't delay.
We want to see the lost save,
and the blind receive their sight,
we want the captives to be set free,
bring those in the dark out into the light.
Use us Lord wholeheartedly
to accomplish your perfect will,
shine your lights in and through us abundantly
so your great commission we fulfill.
May our hearts and heads be bowed in prayer,
and may our hands and feet be at work,
the field is white, the harvest ripe,
and ready for us to work.
May we go forth with your anointing power,
and live out and preach your gospel,
so the lost and dying and hurting ones
can also sing, "with my soul, tis well."
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