Friday, January 27, 2012

Upwards with Max Lucado

The following is from UpWords: The Teaching Ministry of Max Lucado

                                                  Everything You Need

Are you hoping that a change in circumstances will bring a change in your attitude? If so, you are in prison, and you need to learn a secret of traveling light. What you have in your Shepherd is greater than what you don’t have in life.

May I meddle for a moment? What is the one thing separating you from joy? How do you fill in this blank: “I will be happy when ________________”? When I am healed. When I am promoted. When I am married. When I am single. When I am rich. How would you finish that statement?

Now, with your answer firmly in mind, answer this. If your ship never comes in, if your dream never comes true, if the situation never changes, could you be happy? If not, then you are sleeping in the cold cell of discontent. You are in prison. And you need to know what you have in your Shepherd.

You have a God who hears you, the power of love behind you, the Holy Spirit within you, and all of heaven ahead of you. If you have the Shepherd, you have grace for every sin, direction for every turn, a candle for every corner, and an anchor for every storm. You have everything you need!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

We have Life

The valley was filled with bones that were dry,
bones once covered with flesh. What happened?
Once connected and filled with life, but no longer.
Bones that will rot and return to the dust, unless.
Unless they are reconnected, bone to bone,
unless sinews come on them, then flesh, and then breath.
But how? Why? Who could make them live again?
These bones did live again, God caused them to.
He did so by His Spirit and by His word.
The word He commanded Ezekiel, His prophet, to speak.
This was God's declaration that Israel would live again, that
He would bring them back to their own land from exile.
And He did!

God still works through His word and by His Spirit.
The Word also became flesh and was filled with the Spirit.
Together they did the Father's will, the Father was glorified.
What was accomplished has brought life to us dead people.
Yes, life that is real, full, and free to God's chosen people.
But, why do we appear to be a valley of dry bones?
Why do we who have been given life live as dead people?
Isn't God's word living and active?! Isn't His Spirit within us?!
We are no longer dead people, Jesus was raised to life.
By His resurrection we were also raised to life,
bones to bones, sinews on them, then flesh, and then breath.
God opened our graves and raised us up from them to live.
We are alive. We have been made alive. It's time for us to stand.
It's time for us to declare, "God has given us life!"
Let's stand and live boldly for WE HAVE LIFE!!!

For Real

Being the best we can be may be good, but it pales in comparison to what God's desires is for us -- to conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

We don't need a second invitation to be or do bad, it's second nature.

We can't make people good, but we could pray and point them to the only one who is.

God reigns over all, but He does not reign in all. Is He reigning in you?

God has given us His word and Spirit. They are enough for anyone to decide if Christ is worth following.

We are not called to make the church entertaining and popular. We are called to go and make disciples according to His word and Spirit.

Did you know that the way you value God's words determines whether you live or die?

Did you know that Jesus is not your Savior if He is not your Lord?

Did you know that your view of God determines how you live?

God is to be glorified, not us. To glorify self is sour and sinful. But, to glorify God is sweet and glorious!

If you want to waste your life live by the world's standards. If you want to save your life live by God's.

No one wastes his or her life if that life is spent following Christ.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Master, not servant

How do you view God, as Master or Servant?

If you view God as your servant then you automatically place yourself above him. You put yourself in the place of authority where you think God is dependent on you. You decide whether his "resume" meets your standards. If his resume does not, then you just do what you have been doing all along. Which is? You live as your own master. Nothing would have changed anyway even if you were somehow impressed with God's resume. You would still be the master. In this perspective, God is subjected to you. You determine what is and is not. You have no need to consult God unless you want him to humor you. After all, what would he know? You know more because you "hired" him. You are in charge of you. You are free to do whatever you want. You decide how much you "pay" him. You determine the hours you need him. Also, you can "fire" him whenever you want. You are the master and he is the servant. You love you. You could care less about the servant. If you do, not more than yourself. Or, you would have served the servant. But, that's preposterous. You are the master. You are in charge.

If you view God as the Master, then you understand who you are and who God is. You have been placed in a humble position. You have been chosen by Him to serve Him. You realize that God does not need or depend on you to be God. But, you need and ought to depend on Him. You gladly and willingly do. Sure, there are days when you would like to be the master. After all, before God became your Master you were in charge of you.
Now, you are subjected to Him, and you would have it no other way. For you remember how hopeless, conflicted, and destructive you were without Him. Your resume had fallen short of his standard. But, the Master did something that you could not do for yourself. He accepted you because of the work of His Son. Now, you are thrilled to worship Him. Your heart beats to glorify Him. As time progresses, less and less of your sinful, selfish, self-seeking, and self-satisfying pursuits remain. Even those are subjected to Him. And you are blessed because of it. You are learning how to trust Him more and more, even though it seems to be so slowly. Your deepest desire is to trust Him fully, and He knows that. Actually, this is His desire for you because He loves you. Who He is, His love for you, and who you are because of His Son are daily transforming your life.
Is it all easy living? Not in the slightest. There are hardships and moments of discipline. But they are all part of His love. Sometimes you don't get it, especially when you are experiencing them. But, later you realize what they have accomplished. Even in them He never left you. His joy, peace, hope were and still are yours. He encouraged, refreshed, established, and blessed you and always will. He works for your good. Oh yeah, the Master works on your behalf too. Amazing, right?! Indeed! And you are grateful. Your praise of Him increases. It deepens. So, you breathe a prayer of thanks to your Master. Thanks, because you are no longer the master. Blessed, because you are the servant and He is your Master. He is in charge!

So, how do you view God? Is He is your Master or do you see Him as your servant? Just a heads-up, the God of heaven and earth cannot be made to be anyone's servant.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Focal Point Ministries

What Is Required
Pastor Mike Fabarez
January 19, 2012

Many have sought to discover the minimal Christianity required of them to “still be Christian”. “How much of the world can I love, or how much of my agenda can I pursue and still be okay with God?” they ask. Or, “Just how sinful, casual, or lukewarm are we allowed to be and still be saved?” Of course the Bible isn’t much help in answering these questions. The whole tenor of Scripture disallows such thinking.

On the contrary, Christ assertively commands his people to love the Triune God “with all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your strength, and all of your mind” (Luke 10:27). The Apostles plead with the people of God to “abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22) and to “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding the work of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58). There is no assistance in describing minimalism because Christianity is all about maximal, whole-life, wholehearted devotion and commitment to Christ.

We must come to realize that radical Christianity is normative Christianity. Sure, we are still subject to and plagued with periodic bouts of sin and failure, but the new life Christ gives sets in every regenerate heart a passion to live fully for our Creator and King. The Holy Spirit doesn’t add to sinners a new set of ancillary interests; he radically transforms hearts to voraciously and eternally seek the glory of their Maker.

So may we never be heard asking, “What can I get away with?” but instead may we perpetually ask, “How might I love God and more perfectly serve him today?”

Monday, January 16, 2012

Called to

You have been called to:
Be deliberate when you love
Be diligent when you study
Be dedicated when you listen
Be disciplined when you speak
Be discreet when you act
Be defiant when you believe
Be devoted when you commit
Be determined when you fight
Be dauntless when you teach
Be decisive when you choose
Be definitive when you work
Be delightful when you serve
Be dependent when you pray
Be desperate when you worship
Be discerning when you lead
Be dogged when you trust,
as a follower of Christ.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Living Free Every Day Devotional (01/06/12)

The following is from the above (also in blue below) titled online devotional. May today's devotional be a blessing to you.

Think Positive!

Today's Scripture
"Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse." Philippians 4:8 MSG

Thoughts for Today
Negative thinking can distract us from remembering God's goodness and from building an intimate relationship with him.

We live in a culture of complaining. We look for ways to get things off our chests. Talk shows are flooded with callers eager to share their displeasure about something. Complaining may seem harmless, sometimes even therapeutic. However, it causes impatience, which reinforces negative attitudes and can lead to a self-focused life.

We all go through difficult times, but God doesn't want us to focus on the negative. He knows that chronic complaining will never help us and will ultimately harm us. Instead, God calls us to rejoice! To focus our minds on the good, the positive, the praiseworthy. To give thanks in all circumstances and to focus on his love.

Consider this …
Joseph never complained when he was betrayed by his brothers, put into slavery and unjustly imprisoned. The apostle Paul maintained a good attitude when he was beaten and imprisoned. Both men had an intimate relationship with God and wanted more than anything to please him.

The next time you start to complain … take a deep breath and refocus on Jesus.

Father, sometimes I get sidetracked and focus on the worst—in me, in others and in my circumstances. Please forgive me and help me to refocus on the best—in me, in others, in my circumstances. And most of all, help me to focus on your love and grace and on Jesus, my Savior. In his name …

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Living Hope

The following is from InTouch Ministries' daily devotional with Dr. Charles F. Stanley.

January 3

A Living Hope

Believers are born into a living hope. However, people who are without Christ have no foundation for their
expectations and desires. Many live with a false sense of security. They assume that what is important in this life is the physi-cal and material. But there is no safety in things (1 Tim. 6:9). Those who pursue wealth and health rather than God find that their dreams either go unfulfilled or fail to satisfy.

Believers anchor their hope in the solid rock of Jesus Christ. His words are always true and His promises always kept. I'll sometimes hear a person project his or her unfulfilled desires on God and then argue that He came up short. But Christians who make a request and submit to God's will always get an answer—yes, no, or wait.

The Lord does not disappoint those who seek His will. Don't misunderstand that statement. We might feel temporarily let down when something we hope for is not in God's plan. But He doesn't go back on the biblical promise to give His children the best (Isa. 48:17; 64:4). When one door closes, there is another about to open with something better behind it. Friends, the Lord cannot be outdone. We can't even wish ourselves as much good as God has in store.

The best choice a Christian can make is to fix his or her hope on the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome whatever fits His will for your life, and turn away from all that does not. Circumstances may shift and change, but Jesus never does. He is a living hope who never disappoints.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please