Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The winds blow violently, we're holding on for dear life
the rain is pouring heavily, inside and out it's only strife
anxieties build, what was once easy now seems impossible
in turmoil and distress, like we're sinking to a lower level
the thunder rolls, we're almost deafened by the sound
uncertainties amount, we're desperate for solid ground
it feels like the anchor we once had is no longer there
grasping at straws to no avail we're overcome by fear
we feel off-center and as if our world is crashing down
buffeted by the waves, feels like we're about to drown
our faith seems to have jumped ship, is it a lost cause?
NO! it's time to trust You in spite of, not just because
we cry out for You to save us as the storms increase
for only You can calm our spirits with Your PEACE!

Psalm 29:11
May the Lord give strength to you his people! May the Lord bless you his people with peace!

Still Be My God

A God like you I can never find,
gracious, just, loving, merciful.
Your nature amazes me and
I am thankful to be your child.
No one is pure like you, 
wonderful, perfect, true.
What you have done for me
is nothing I could ever earn,
so I am learning to accept
it all. All of your blessings.
How to live as your handiwork.
What it means to be clay in your hands.
All of this assures me of purpose.
My steps are ordered by you,
though I make many plans.
You never let me go or ever will.
The wrong turns, the stumbles,
the uncertainties, the oops.
In all of those you will
still be my God.
In everything, good and bad
you have promised you will
still be my God.
Is there any better promise?
Is anything more reassuring?
Can anything be more fulfilling?
If I ask amiss. If I doubt.
If I feel obscure. If ....
You see it and know it all.
And you said you will
still be my God.
I don't need popularity,
richess, empty praises,
comfort, or other distractions.
Most dear to me is what you said.
Most true is what you promised.
Most comforting, rich, and
fulfilling is that you will
still be my God.
My life is more than alright
when you are my God.
My days even the worst of
the worst are blessed
because you will
still be my God.
Do what you need to
make this more real in me
everyday in my life.
Take out what should not
be there.
Input and grow those things
that you desire to be.
All this so I can experience
and live knowing you will:
Still Be My God!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

I'll wait for you

I'll wait for you in the morning, I'll be there even before the day dawns
I want to be with you every moment, so I get up when my clock alarms
I think of you very dearly, and it pains me for pushing you away
I want to learn what it means to trust you every step of the way

There's a girl that I've been wanting, she continues to fill my mind
But I don't want her just because, for such is just a waste of time
I desire her for who she is and what in her you've caused me to see
So Lord if this desire is from you, then make it what you want it to be

My needs are pressing and they're ever present, but few breaks I get
I know that you will supply my needs, but there are times I do forget
I am only human and there are times when my faith cries out for sight
So strengthen my faith and help me persevere through this dark night

I find myself in a pickle, my life feels like it is in a current state of despair
My plans have all turned out to be useless, they amount to beating the air
You see the desires in my heart Lord, how I long to live only for thee
So lead me by your spirit, cause I don't want to revert to living for me

I'll sing out your praise at noontime, with gratitude I'll worship your name
I'll declare your steadfast love and kindness, your glory and honor proclaim
In the evening my soul will still be lifted up, adoring your splendor and majesty
I crave to reflect you in every way, help me to do so in humbleness and honesty

I will wait for you in the morning, and at noontime, and all through the day
Don't want to begin or live a day without you, Lord please hasten my way
Only you have the key to righteous living, my every moment is in your hand
I'll wait for you my helper, maker, and strong tower, I'll trust your every plan

Sunday, June 26, 2011

We have

A love living in us that is growing
A hope eternal that is ever flowing
A trust unwavering, steadfast and godly
A faith well anchored and lived boldly
A joy unspeakable and full of glory
A praise heartfelt to Him who's worthy
A gratitude sincere we love to express
A peace beyond understanding in excess
A kindness unmistakable and loud
A gentleness sweet and bowed
A faithfulness growing and desired
A patience increasing and admired
A self-control practiced and exemplary
A will submissive, surrendered and fully
A life sacrificed and placed on the altar
A God who unites us and is our Abba Father

All of the above are TRUE regardless of how we feel or what we have been told or made to believe and have lived. Be encouraged, God is making all of these real in and through us even today.

We have the Holy Spirit living in us who is and has gifted us all of these fruits.
We have Jesus who made all of this possible and in abundance.
We have God perfecting us in practice what we already are in position.

A life lived in the beauty of God will live out the beauty of God!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Present Help

The pomp and pride of Sennacherib king of Assyria was clear
confident that Judah and it's cities would crumble with fear
he invaded Judah and encamped against it fortified cities
a certain victory was what he thought and with some ease.

Hezekiah took note of Sennacherib's plan and decided to act
putting necessary plans in place that were done with much tact
redirecting the springs, building walls, making weapons and shield
encouraging the people that in time the power of God will be revealed.

Sennacherib fresh off besieging Lachish looked forward to his next conquest
he sent message to Jerusalem letting them know their resistance is no contest
the God whom they trust will like the other nations' gods be unable to save them
he wrote letters to cast contempt on the Lord, saying He can't stop the mayhem.

Hezekiah said, Be strong and courageous, don't fear or be dismayed
be certain that salvation will come, rest assured it won't be delayed
they think the vastness of their numbers guarantee they will invade
that they will rule over us but they don't know we've already prayed.

And prayed they did to the God their Lord who is like no other
he alone is the God supreme, sovereign, and has all the power
"Be still and know that I am God!" it's an offense to blaspheme his name
so He sent an angel to kill all the mighty men, to Sennacherib's shame.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
no need to fear even if the earth and nations begin to crumble
God is our mighty fortress, he will be exalted over and above all
he promises to come to the aid of his people whenever they call.

2 Chronicles 32, and Psalm 46.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The Lord disciplines those he loves,
and it is good to know that he does,
though many times it feels too much,
there's nothing better than his touch.

The Lord disciplines because he cares,
he's always there as you cry those tears,
he will hold you close even in your pain,
and shower you with his healing rain.

The Lord disciplines all of his own,
our sinful ways he cannot condone,
he carries it out for our good,
to make us holy as he alone could.

The Lord disciplines us for a season,
to make us each a brighter beacon,
so accept his discipline and endure,
he's making us perfect and mature.

The Lord disciplines those he loves.
Isn't it a blessing to know he does?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Finally Here

Dear Sovereign Lord:

I have built up my own perception and goal of stability,
so much so that I overlooked what You were saying to me.
I asked for Your help and guidance but still chose to ignore,
yet You patiently kept waiting and wanting to give me more

You asked me to surrender, I did to a degree,
You wanted all, but I was hesitant to agree.
but You took what I gave knowing You will have your way,
knowing You will break through my stubbornness one day

I had other ideas, so I sought to lead and direct You,
You smiled, for what you had purposed, I had no clue.
You let me carry on for awhile but You were always near,
still working things out for me and providing a listening ear.

The devil smiled when he saw the increasing opportunities,
for him to keep me powerless and to block my arteries,
so the truth of who I am would not get through,
and as a result I would be lifeless, just like a statue.

What the devil thought was a slam dunk, a certain victory,
was anything but, You were working it all out gloriously.
You frustrated my plans, used the devil's schemes,
and I can gratefully say, the end justified the means.

Lord to this place of sweet surrender You've brought me,
my situation has not changed, but I do know, You've got me,
all of me, everything and every part, the time did arrive,
and now I fully see that without Your leading, I can't thrive.

This time of my life is hard, but Dear Lord am forever grateful for it,
I have seen clearly my pride, my foolishness, the real me, yes, all of it.
It all reinforces Your love and who You really are, and I love You:
for all You've done, allowed, and will allow to show Yourself true.

I would not trade this time and experience for anything easier,
because doing so would see me still trying to be my own savior.
so I thank You Dear Sovereign Lord for Your love and plans,
I am confident to submit and leave my whole life in Your hands.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

We care, please come out

You've decided it's better to lock yourself inside, 
you believe it's where you would find solace,
you are afraid of what others will find, 
your life is overrun by self-malice.

To be upright is your heart's desire, 
but you've failed to realize this goal,
your striving seemed to work for awhile, 
but now your heart's black as coal.

Two-faced you've realized is what you are, 
you masquerade as if all is fine
You are weighed down by your fake smile, 
you're restless and have no peace of mind.

For too long now you been hiding away
while the pain of doing so has you in despair,
afraid of being scorned and turned away,
please know that some of us really care.

We know you are afraid to let it out,
it's hard to do but please do try,
we've been there to and felt the way you do,
no need to bottle it all inside.

We will be here and won't go away,
we are each other's helping hand,
and God is with you all the way,
he loves you, and you are part of his plan. 

No matter how you feel or see yourself,
staying locked inside only leads to death,
so come out, come out from where you are,
and receive new life from God's breath. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Lesson In Trust

We make plans in the quest to control every detail of our lives
We do all we can before we attempt to turn it over to Christ
Should we be shocked when even our best efforts still fall short?
Should we be surprised when in spite of our world still falls apart?

We may ask God for help but even then still don't fully surrender
We tell ourselves that our plans unlike God's are safer and better
Should we be dismayed when even our best plans are insufficient?
Should we be disappointed when even those plans turn up vacant?

We say that we trust God but sometimes these are just words 
We are quick to retake the control when our situation hurts
Should we be appalled when we discover our words are faithless?
Should we be astonished when we find ourselves dominated by stress?

 A lesson in trust is hard but the result is worthwhile
the struggles and hardship may make it hard to smile
that's common in the experience but God promises to not forsake
so we can rest assured he is there even when our hearts do break

 A lesson in trust is frustrating and seemingly foolish
you may panic as the situation has you in anguish
feels like you're close to fainting and you're famished
look closely and you'll see that you're being nourished 

A lesson in trust comes whether we desire it or not
God desires to teach us that he is truly all we've got
taking us to a place where we'll get hungry and thirsty
to a deeper knowledge and experience of his will and glory

A lesson in trust is a wonderful and blessed experience
in such times God is giving us more of his sweet fragrance
if you have not had such a lesson cry out for it, you must
there is nothing like it, hard yet sweet, A Lesson in Trust.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Can I trust me?

My mind conjures up funny things, most of them are cool to do
My mind creates interesting situations that won't ever come true
My mind has me living in a state of fantasy
My mind has me so far gone and outside of reality
My mind has been trained to control my emotions
My mind has left me uncertain of my real devotions
My mind wishes for good things and I'd like to think they are from God
My mind wishes and keeps on wishing but in those I find no reward
My mind makes me scared of the true power that lies within
My mind makes me shy away from trusting that power therein
My mind is a potent weapon that can and has been used against me
My mind is a ticking time bomb that can bring about my calamity
My mind keeps going and won't take a brief vacation
My mind keeps going and is directing this composition
My mind seeks to exert and maintain a high level of control
My mind surrenders fully only when there's an assured goal
My mind must be brought under proper control or the result won't be pretty
My mind has me currently in a state of wondering: Can I trust me? 

Proverbs 28:26 says: 
"Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered." So I am learning how to walk in wisdom. Are you? We can help each other walk in wisdom through prayer and intentional godly relationships. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Full Filling

They gathered there all in one place
An assured and expected look on each face
That which was promised was soon to come
To indwell and lead that the Father’s will be done

This promise rested on a few in days of old
So they would know God and lead his people bold
Into his truths and in full obedience
To be his sweet smelling fragrance

This all was leading to greater things
As promised to them by the King of kings
In one accord they expectantly wait
So with God they would be intimate

The promise came on them and took control
And led them in the words to speak
The transformation was evident for all to see
They were no longer hopeless or weak

Jesus said those who believe in his name
Will by his spirit never ever be the same
For none can know and do the Father’s will
Without first being three-thirds filled

But we have today lived in reverse to Pentecost
It’s the promised who sits and wait
He awaits us to surrender and give him control
So we can have an ever increasing faith

We work, we don’t, we pretend
But our fruits make everything clear
If we truly breathe in the breath of God
Or if it’s the day-to-day polluted air

To be salt and light to this world
We have been commissioned to do
Yet, many are still in the dark with us nearby
Because, we live as a powerless crew

It’s time for us to fully and sweetly surrender
To him who pursues and gently calls us still
To his perfect will and to do his good pleasure
He longs for our vessels to three-thirds fill

Three-Thirds Full

Three-thirds full, the pastor has been teaching
That wasn’t part of my Christian plan,
Besides I prefer to root from the sidelines
Yeah, I think it’s safer to be just a fan.
I may not criticize openly as some do
Because I may be asked to get involved,
But I’ll make sure they know when things upset me
I won’t let it go until I get it resolved.

Three-thirds full, the pastor has got to be kidding
I have this Christian life under my control,
I’ll go about living it by my own dictates
Being happy to satisfy my “basic” Christian role.
I’ll tithe, give an offering, and show up at church
I’ll pray, read my Bible, yeah sometimes,
I think doing those will amount to something
I’ll do what I can to ensure my light shines.

Three-thirds full, this pastor is not for real
Am gifted, I serve, people see my fruits,
At least am not standing on the sides
Anyone call tell that my tree has solid roots.
I am involved, and I serve in the church,
Isn't it a good thing for me to serve?
Yet, three-thirds full he’s been teaching for weeks
Man, this guy has got some nerve.

Three-thirds full no less that’s the measure
For our jars of clay have a great treasure,
To remain as we are we’ll wither and die,
If three-thirds full we do not live thereby.

Three-thirds full Jesus desires for his bride,
But we must in him and his words abide,
Guaranteed we won’t be lukewarm or chilled,
When we by his spirit are three-thirds filled. 

Dear Father, fill us with the knowledge of your will and power,
Help us to live out the freedom we have in you no matter the hour,
May we live out the hope and purpose you gave us with passion and truth,
That we boldly and without compromise in every way bear the Spirit's fruit.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


It comes subtly, the attraction so sweet
It comes aptly, the entrapment discreet
It calls you to look, calls you to touch,
It calls you to taste, calls you to feast.

One look is all it asks, just give it one try
One touch it says, then you'll feel the high
Oh taste and see how good it is, it beckons
Feast and have your fill, satisfy all your desires.
Nothing is wrong with looking, it's not a big deal
Nothing is wrong with touching, it's your right to feel
Nothing is wrong with tasting, it's your right to sample
Nothing is wrong with feasting, it's your right to eat.

Hey, walk this way, just for once you'll enjoy it
Hey, work this way, just for once you deserve it
Come I've got something for you to consider
Something different for you to think about.

One detour is all it asks, it won't be long
One change is all it says, it won't be wrong
Oh isn't it time you do something for you?
Then come along with me to this new experience.

Nothing is wrong with this detour, the scenery is great
Nothing is wrong with this change, the shift is an update
Nothing is wrong with these new ideas, expand your mind
Nothing is wrong with believing and doing what you want.

We have all in some way and time got deceived by the sweet lies,
We have all in some way and time got tricked by the disguise,
We have all in some way and time got hoodwinked by its guise,
We have all in some way and time surrendered to Compromise.

Almost Defeated

This evening the wind seems to be gone out of me
This evening the conclusion is one of perplexity
This evening the devil's punches has increased
This evening the thoughts of victory are almost deceased
This evening the prayers just can't seem to come
This evening the man feels shot and almost undone
This evening the body feels tired and broken
This evening the faith to believe goes unspoken
This evening the soul feels deserted and dry
This evening the eyes are swollen but no tears I cry
This evening the despair is huge and overwhelming
This evening the hope that remains is slowly drowning
This evening the spirit has left and now am in exile
This evening the heart wants to escape life for awhile
This evening the fight is gone and am almost depleted
This evening the fight has left and am almost defeated.

This was experienced and written on April 4, but decided not to post it until now.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Sin helps us see God's mercy, grace, and love - unconditional, rich, deep, and steadfast - more clearly.

A heart after God is a heart that desires and seeks to do what God desires.

A heart that seeks after God will discover and enjoy the beauty of God's heart. Such a discovery and enjoyment will be evident and contagious.

If I do love God, then I would not leave him "hanging" or cancel our dates.

God's work of perfecting us is a process that is being perfectly carried out regardless of our circumstances.

When we fall in love with God we develop a hunger, thirst, and excitement to get to know him more.

Love entails learning to befriend and really get to know someone even when their flaws are magnified.

Live within your means and you'll have and enjoy more than the means to live.

It is better to be a fugitive from this world than a fugitive from God.

I know God can help me. I am certain he wants to and will. But sometimes there are doubts that make me fearful he won't.

I have come to realize that even in my "desert" I try to play God and at the same time hurry him along.

My responses in the "desert" has been anything but Christlike. But it is God's plan and my prayer for him to keep me there until what he is working out and in me at this time is accomplished.

In moments of fear and failure we have a faithful fervent forever friend who is most importantly, Our God.

Life is best lived when we have an upward perspective regardless of what is happening inward and outward.

I have found that having a wilderness experience as hard as it is is my life's most valuable teaching environment. In the wilderness I had to face the truth of who I am, whose I am, and decide whose I will be. That decision is critical to the shaping of my attitude and character then and going forward.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


You look at yourself in the mirror 
and feel proud of who you be
but the truth is when you look closer
you really don't like what you see

You look at yourself in the mirror
and hate what is looking back at you
but your dislike is just for the external
because that's how you define what's true

You look at yourself in the mirror
and see the error of your ways
the memories flash before your eyes
awash by the pain, the guilt stays

You look at yourself in the mirror
and the tears begin to flow
all the lies and harsh words 
has you in a constant limbo

You look at yourself in the mirror
and raise a toast to your good deeds
claiming that you deserve the best
because of all you've done and achieved

You look at yourself in the mirror
and are ashamed of what you've become
decadent, depressed, disconsolate,
you're empty, you've hit the bottom

You look at yourself in the mirror,
wondering what you're supposed to do about your flaws:
they take too much to disguise,
they are too much to carry,
they are taking a toll on your life.

Our flaws should serve to remind us
that we can't achieve perfection on our own,
no sense to hide or go on with pride,
or we will feel unwanted, cut-off, and alone.

Perfection is not found in or is from any human origin, 
nor can we create or attain it by our efforts. 
Our flaws are for reasons much greater 
than our goals and what we strive to portray.
It is wonderful to know that God loves us in spite of and even with our flaws. Therefore, our flaws don't define us even if and/or when we choose to define ourselves by our flaws. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

To see yourself

How would you feel when you see the real you?
How would you respond to this truth?
Will you run? Will you hide? 
Will you repent? Will you turn aside?

How would you feel when you see the depth of your pride?
How would you respond to this truth?
Will you deride? Will you cry?
Will you confess? Will you deny?

How would you feel when your lies are exposed?
How would you respond to this truth?
Will you debate? Will you object?
Will you mourn? Will you deflect?

To see yourself according to the truth is scary,
but it is the only way to understand God's mercy.

So face the truth even though it will hurt,
ask God to help you see his beauty in spite of your dirt.
You'll get to see the depth and riches of his love and grace,
that will leave you in awe and a desire to be in his embrace.
And you can't help but be filled with gratitude,
for you who deserve death, life in its place has been issued. 

To live for you

To live and breathe for you is more than any treasure
To die for the sake of your name is beyond any pleasure
To be known as your child is a gift beyond words
To know that you me love is truly out of this world

so Dear God:
Burn your life in my heart so I live passionately
Burn your spirit in my soul so I live pure and holy
Burn your will in my strength so I live before thy throne
Burn your thoughts in my mind so I live for thee alone

Breathe on me for your breath is wonderful
Breathe on me for your breath is powerful
Breathe on me for your breath is refreshing
Breathe on me for your breath is awe-inspiring 

Thanks for your fire and breath!