Monday, December 27, 2010


To have a grateful attitude, we should all aspire,
it is worth more than material things that we so oft desire.
Its quality is outstanding and many times rare,
so grab hold of it and never let go, don't you dare.

Its value is priceless and can never be cheapened,
it's much more than saying, "Thank God for the weekend!"
It can seem shallow but it never stays that way,
for it penetrates the heart and becomes a mainstay.

Expressing gratitude should be encouraged to become a lifestyle,
it gives you a healthy outlook even when it is difficult to smile.
It is an attitude that helps to bring about a healthy state of mind,
for even in the midst of life's storms, God's grace you will find.

And so you give thanks in spite of, and not just because,
for even if the night is dark, you know that there are stars.
So cultivate a grateful attitude, no matter how hard life is or may become,
and you will enjoy life's many blessings, and you yourself will be one.

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