Saturday, July 8, 2017

To move forward

If you have read my previous post, "A swear word?" you may think I dislike politicians. I don't. However, I struggle with giving them a listening ear because the reputation that precedes them is usually negative. This is one of the many areas in my life on which I need to work. The truth is that I am not much different than a politician. My confession is not meant to be a comparison but the truth that my conduct also falls short many times. Also, please note that my goal in the previous post was not to encourage you to use swear words. My hope is that you honestly examine the conduct of our politicians as well as how we help to contribute to their conduct. Politicians need us as well as we need them. We have a responsibility to help our politicians become effective leaders. How? Christians must do so through prayers. There must also be accountability in order to help bring about effective leadership. You may think it is too late to bring about any meaningful change. However, our current global economic crisis is just the opportunity we need to have such a change. The change has to be holistic and includes all of us. How can we bring about this change? The God of The Holy Bible has to become the center of our lives. 

Agree or disagree, the truth is that only the God of The Holy Bible can bring about any lasting meaningful change. Examinations of the different philosophies and ideologies established will reveal not only their inadequacies but failures. I am not advocating for theocracy, if you were wondering. This post is about Christians fully submitting to the God whom they serve. To borrow a line from a friend, "It is about looking God-ward not inward". All crises are entrenched in a system that has been well crafted and continues to evolve. This system has a much stronger and darker force than many are afraid to admit. This analysis may seem simplistic but it does not make it less true. In effect, this force has corrupted and is strangling the essential of life - relationship with God and each other. Therefore, any establishments apart from God only serve to deepen this system's corruption and strengthen its stranglehold. 

Christians have a privileged position in Christ. If only that position is understood and believed then there will be a stronger testimony. Christians are not church-goers or just pastors or preachers. Christians are in every sphere of society. This means the relationship in Christ has far-reaching implications for every sphere. This position is not due to human effort or performance. It is of God's own choosing and cannot be taken away after it has been received. The living out of this relationship will result in the weakening of the stranglehold of this dark force. Thus, relationships will be radically transformed.  

What is so important about relationships? The economic crisis did not only affect bankers but everybody. The crisis did not only affect the US but all other countries too. Thus, whatever systems are established influences and have far-reaching effects. Relationships at all levels will be affected. No one is immune. The rich may seem to be sheltered but they are not. The panic even amongst the rich was palpable as the economic crisis was unraveling. What this points to is that money as a security is not really much of a security. Any security outside and apart from Christ is no security at all. Why? These are fragile, volatile and performance-based. 

Therefore for Christians to move forward is to first look upward not inward. It then entails choosing to obey and learning to trust God to work in his own time and choosing. 

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