Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Where do you find Jesus?

Where do you find Jesus? This question was asked in a meeting at which I was present. A simple question, but none of our answers, including mine, were correct. Our answers were good, but not correct. Our answers were well meaning, but not correct. An easy question, could be construed as a trick question, but still we did not answer it correctly. How about this: Where do you go know who Jesus is? What is your answer?

Later on it reminded me of the importance of knowing where to find Jesus. Let me be explicit. It is VERY important to know where we must go to know and understand who Jesus is. There must be a trusted source that is not subjected to what we say or experience or think or feel. At best, these things - feelings, thoughts, experiences, words - are only as good and right and true when they align with the truth of who Jesus is. So, where do you find Jesus? Where do and must you go daily to find Jesus? Where can you discover and dive into the truths of who Jesus is?

Can you rely on your feelings? Can you rely on culture? Can you rely on your thoughts? Can you rely on experiences? The answer to these is a resounding, NO! They only teach who Jesus really is when they align with Him - The Truth.

There is grave danger in trying to find Jesus in feelings, experiences etc. It breeds relativity and subjectivity. The result is that we will come to different conclusions about Jesus. The conclusions would be dependent on us. Thus, they would not be absolute. The conclusions would not be TRUE! See the danger yet?

Here is a similar question: Where do you find the sun? In the sky, right? That's obvious because that is where it is. We don't look to our friends or experiences or feelings or thoughts to find the sun. We just go outside and look up at the sky. We have come to know that the sun is always in the sky and always shining, even on days when it is cloudy, dark, etc. Here is a fact about the sun: it sun reveals, by shining its light, many truths about our surroundings or environment. Note, it is not the surroundings or environment that reveals the sun. In the same way, we can only know our true state when we discover who Jesus is. We can only know the true state of our world when we find Jesus. And where do you find Jesus?

The person who asked the question supplied the correct answer. Where do you find Jesus? In the Scriptures. The Bible! We look up to the sky for the sun. If we want to find Jesus we must go to the Scriptures. This is not just a look as when you look to the sky for the sun. This look is a search, an examination, a meditation etc. It is done in a prayerful manner with reverent fear. The search must not be for the sake of knowledge, but to KNOW Jesus. When we come to know Jesus as He is revealed in the scriptures we will better reflect Him. We will better model and instruct others in His way. We will better recognize what He is doing in the world. We will better carry out His mission to the world. We will better love others regardless of who they are or what they have done. So, let's make it our goal to search the Scriptures! For in the Scriptures we find Jesus.

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