Friday, March 15, 2013

He Lived

Looking back at his life, short but lived excellently. In the eyes of many, even his family, it should have gone differently. They were perplexed by his life. They had another goal for him. To follow in his dad's footsteps. Maybe? To grow up and be like every man. Like every firstborn male child. Perhaps? The culture decided what was expected. He was not about living by the dictates of his culture. Sure, he lived by its customs. But, he lived those customs differently. He lived with a depth that was more than the routine. He demonstrated the heart behind the customs. He modeled in words and actions a life that amazed people. Yes, even the elites.

But, he was not from an elite family. Yet, he lived with such authority that confounded them. They hated him. The crowds were attracted to him. Most for their own pleasure. Some for a fleeting moment. Many loved to be around him. However, only a few wanted to live like him. He called a small group to learn from him. They had the privilege of living with him. He called them to live with him, but not for his purpose. Nope, he was more than that. He was not about that. Sometimes, or perhaps more often than not, this group did not understand him. They had their own agendas too. But those changed. Well, for most of them.

He was not about impressing people. He was not consumed by pleasing people. Yet, his love for people was incomparable. He was given a mission. He was on a mission. He came with the vision from heaven. That was how he lived. In singleness of heart. Fixed mind. Submitted will. He lived this mission with a passion and relevance and transcendence like no other. Sure, there were good examples before and after him. But, there was and will never be any like him. Not completely like him. Because there is none like him.

His followers reflect him and are growing into his likeness to reflect him with an increasing beauty. They have been given a mission. A vision also from heaven. This vision can only be accomplished with singular focus on the mission. Just like he did. He was in the culture but not ruled by it. He was in relationship with others but not controlled by them. Yet, he was humble enough to serve others and to live with respect in the culture. In him was the life and light that relationships and culture needed. He was full of grace and truth to bless the culture and people. Many have since then received him. They have been overcome and overwhelmed by his life and light. His grace and truth continue to reign in and through their lives. Those around them see a reflection of his life and light. And it's all because he lived. Is your life a reflection of his?

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