Saturday, December 31, 2011

Love on terms

It may be written down or maybe it's not, but sometimes you would like it to be.
It may be said or sung or maybe it's not, but sometimes you would like it to be.
It may be felt or given or maybe it's not, but sometimes you would like it to be.
Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes. Or, is it all the time?
Yeah, that would be better, but, then again, sometimes is a much safer bet.
Is it possible to have love without terms? Is it possible to love without terms?
Sometimes is more the norm than is always. Doesn't it? 
Look around, observe, ask, read, listen and you'll discover.
No, ponder, examine, reflect on your personal experiences
and tell me what you discover. 
Sometimes is a much safer bet than always. 
Sometimes makes it easy to offer excuses.
Sometimes makes it easy to share or defer the blame.
Sometimes makes it easy to walk away.
Sometimes makes it easier than always.
Sometimes makes it easier to love.
It makes it easier to love on our own terms.
When we want and feel to love is better sometimes.
It is better sometimes than always. In always there is a commitment that  
encompasses feelings and thoughts. It is a commitment that moves thoughts 
and feelings to that place where love is not sometimes given but always. 
There has to be something inside of us that moves us to that place of always.
That something embodies love and always loves. 
It is that something that empowers, enables, and encourages us to always love.
For this something never fails to love. 
It loves on its own terms and loves us accordingly.
It loves us completely and perfectly.
That something is the Spirit of God.
Until that Spirit invades and inhabits us we will love on our own terms.
Until then, we will love sometimes, not always.
For in sometimes it is easier to love.
But in always love is being made full, complete, and perfect by God's Spirit in us.
So we love on His terms not ours. 
So, on whose term will you love?

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