Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What do you see?

He lost everything yet chose to be grateful instead of cursing His God.  Job
He was told to leave the familiar and without a plan to go abroad. Abram
He was seen as mother's boy and known to be a schemer. Jacob 
He was considered daddy's pet, a nuisance and a dreamer. Joseph 
She was past child bearing age and still childless was she. Sarah, Elizabeth
She was known as a prostitute by all on Jericho's street. Rahab
The last and least among his family, not considered kingly. David 
A people in a severe test of affliction and extreme poverty. churches of Macedonia 
A man past his prime going no where just stuck taking care of sheep. Moses
A man overboard and now in the belly of a great fish out in the deep. Jonah
A few guys mending their fishing nets after a fruitless night. Peter, Andrew, John, James
A tax collector sitting at his booth charging people what he thinks is right. Matthew
Another had it all together being a pharisee and a ruler of the Jews. Nicodemus
A baby born in a manger with shepherds having to spread the news. Jesus
A woman anointing Jesus' feet with oil that's worth a year's labor. Mary 
A man brilliant in the law and zealous in his role as the church's persecutor. Saul
A people fighting to control and rule their own destiny. All of humanity
A people who lost their lives for Christ so they can always live freely. All the Saints

When we look at ourselves and others on what do we focus? What do you see? Do we use God's truths or our standards (i.e., culture's philosophies and ours)? What do you do with what you see? May we ask God to help us see each other and ourselves the way He sees us. Then, may we trust Him to help us respond to what He causes us to see. 

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