Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Jeremiah 9:23-24

Have you ever boast about yourself? What are some things you boast about? Do you make a habit of boasting about these things? When do you usually boast? Why do you boast about these things? Dictionary.com defines the word boast as "to talk with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself."

God had just told the prophet Jeremiah about his impending judgment on Judah for its sins (Jer 7-9:16). Jeremiah proclaimed God's message to the people, which also included a command about what to boast in. Why? The people of Judah were full of themselves. Their lifestyle was totally depraved (e.g., Jer 7:5-6,9). Yet they thought and taught that destruction would not come because the LORD's Temple was in their midst (e.g., Jer 7:4,8). They were trusting in their own wisdom, riches, and might. They also thought it wise and very beneficial to make alliances with Egypt and Assyria (Jer 2:18). They were full of themselves, even though God was the one who had blessed them with wisdom, riches, and might. Most importantly, He was the source of their wisdom, riches, and might. Yet, they decided to rebel against God and instead trust in themselves in light of these blessings. As a result, they became blinded by their sins that they could not see their own foolishness, idolatry, and wickedness. If we are not careful, we too can become full of ourselves and likewise become blinded by our sins. If we become full of ourselves our boasting will be misplaced.

Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, ...  (Jer 9:23-24a)." What do we need to understand and know about the LORD? "He practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For He delights in these things (Jer 9:24b)." Note, we are not to boast in love, justice, and righteousness. Why not? These virtues - love, justice, and righteousness - are found in Him and are from Him. As such, they never change or devalue but remain constant forever. For the LORD is love, He is just, and He is righteous. And because He is the Source of these virtues we cannot manipulate or control them. I find this to be awesome and comforting, and hope you do as well. We are instead to boast in the LORD (also, Psalm 34:2; 1 Cor 1:31; Gal 6:14). We are to boast in Him because it is He who gives us the ability and privilege to understand and know Him.

Beloved brothers and sisters, may it be our heart's desire and daily pursuit to grow in our understanding and knowledge of the LORD and make our boast only Him.

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