Friday, May 11, 2012

Have You Seen The LORD?

They are in our lives, but sometimes we don't even realize they are there. Just like Israel and Isaiah, we also have our Uzziahs. Uzziah represents the gods in our lives. The kings of our hearts. Whether intentionally and unintentionally, they are there. Whether we confess it or not the truth is that they do exist. They sit on the throne of our hearts, pulling the strings. We trust in their familiarity, safety, and comfort. They may not necessarily be bad things. Usually they are good things, sometimes very good things. Is that bad? No, but it is dangerous.
Dangerous because they can easily take the place of God, which is idolatry.

Idolatry is breaking the first and greatest commandment. That commandment is to love God with our entire being. Put another way, we are not to have any other gods but God. Idolatry is the attitude that refuses to love God with our everything. Idolatry means that God is not our god. Therefore, idolatry is Sin! It is an offense against God that is full of pride. It is an offense against God that is full of perversion. Isaiah saw the depth of his sins. He could smell the stench of it. He realized how he also, like the people, fell short of God's glory and he exclaimed it.

He pronounced judgement of woe on himself. He cried, "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips!" Why did he say this? Because he saw the king, the LORD of Hosts! It was also a cry of repentance because he saw the LORD. Isaiah's encounter with the LORD shook him to the core. He was never the same! He was then cleansed and commissioned to go for the LORD.

Have you seen the LORD? You can by looking intently into the scriptures. Examine your life by the scriptures. Do it today. You will exclaimed like Isaiah did. You too will cry out in repentance. Why? Because you will see the LORD, and your life will never be the same! And like Isaiah, you will be cleansed and commissioned to go for the LORD.

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