Thursday, February 24, 2011

I like You

Sometimes we develop a liking for someone and try our best to keep it in check (that's what I do). Trying to keep our feelings in check can be a good thing. One of the reasons is because we don't want to put that person on the throne in our life. Doing something like that can be very dangerous. Another reason we don't is that it can be our way of copping out (true for me).

However, in this effort to control our liking for another we may miss a wonderful opportunity. That is, we may miss the opportunity to impact and be impacted by that person in wonderful ways. If we analyze our reasons for liking that person and find those reasons to be healthy, go ahead and tell the person. Also, talk to another person whom you respect and trust because of their love and judgement. This will help to put things in perspective and guide your actions. More importantly, pray that God would lead you to develop a godly approach and relationship with that person you like. In doing so, you are guaranteed wisdom. You will be guided how to act in the best interest of that person, and not selfishly.

Sometimes, we are afraid of rejection and other negative reactions. Sometimes it is hard to get past rejections and negative reactions, especially if you have had more of them than positives. Getting past the negatives and rejections can be even harder when we would have gone about the situation with pure motives. Those reactions, though hurtful, can do the work similar to that done by fire to precious metals. Yes it hurts. Yes there is pain. But it is another opportunity where our intentions and affections are tested and refined. The negatives and rejections should, in time, become experiences that take us forward to love.

How? Not in our own strength and on our own, but with God's help and the sincere love and friendship of others. We will, as time goes on, like others even when they don't react positively to us liking them. We will find ourselves growing in love for them. Why? Because we know what it means to love. How? Because we know we are loved unconditionally and are experiencing such love daily. Because of this we can't wait until love is returned in order to give it away.

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