Thursday, February 2, 2012

About to be crushed

You are in the middle with no way of escape
the "walls" are closing in as you struggle for air
trying to walk but your feet are unable to move
on your knees you pray for the strength to crawl
you tell yourself, "This is it."
the moment you thought would come.
it has been on its way and is now here
is there any way to postpone it?
is there any way to avoid it?
but you know the answer to those questions
your bones ache and you feel their prayers
you lift your head and see nothing but death
you turn to see what's behind
you look to the sides and the conclusion
is all the same, no relief, no escape
only the inevitable, death,
not just a physical death
but the death of dreams
the death of gifts - spiritual and natural
is it also the death of love?
is it also the death of hopes?
something deep inside tells you differently.
you try to smile but you can't,
instead, a muffled sarcastic laugh comes out,
you shed a tear, the floodgates open. you cry,
"Where is God? where are you God? God are you there?
if you are, will you help me believe? believe in who? in what?
In You. Yes, in You!"
Where is God? your mind contemplates the question.
more questions come to mind.
you ask: "Where is my resistance? where is my faith?
where is my devotion and commitment?
do I want to believe at this time?
can I believe at this time?
is it any wonder am about to be crushed?"
You can taste the walls as they close in
your spirit faints, your heart is overwhelmed
your mind stops racing. it has become calm
it seems to have come to accept the inevitable
your senses are awakened like never before
all of them are alive to this oncoming moment
You slowly bow your head, say a prayer of thanks to God,
thanks for life and for the many blessings you've had
you fall to your knees, then you fall on your face
the walls are closing in on, and you're about to be crushed,
with one last breath, with seemingly no strength left,
you are made to whisper,
"LORD, into Your hand I commit my spirit."

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