Thursday, February 2, 2012

A gift of love

The night is beautiful, a gentle breeze is blowing
clear skies, stars twinkle, a new love is glowing
you walk slowly together as in a steady beat
the rhythm of your love is melodiously sweet
You can't help but think of how this began
not smoothly by any stretch, cause you're not, and you almost ran,
but you wanted to explore the possibilities
so you took the chance even though you did not know why
maybe it was destiny, but you know for sure it wasn't luck
fate decided that that match of love had to be struck
as you hold hands and enjoy the walk, you smile
your heart is expanding with love with each mile
the moon shines down on you for it is proud of what it sees
a bird sitting in a tree chirps to let you know with the moon it agrees
those moments when it felt like you would never find love
were hard and dark, but God kept saying, "you gotta trust me,
trust that I got this, do not doubt and in time you will see that
what I promised and planned will soon become a reality."
now your heart soars, and your love's along with it
it's for real, and you two are a perfect fit
you ask God to mold this love and make it grow deeper
and that all the challenges will make your love stronger
so you are committed to God and each other as you journey along
painting a beautiful and honest picture that can also be sung
the night is beautiful, and so is your love
a blessing to you from the Father above.

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