Thursday, February 2, 2012

More Nonsense

I've run out of options. Apparently I run too much.

I got kicked out of school for doing poorly. The only thing I could pass was gas, and even that I did poorly.

It is said that a picture can tell a thousand words, so I took a picture and turned it in as assignment that required 1000 words.

My life flashed before my eyes, but I blinked so I missed it.

I was told the future would be bright, but when I got there the lights were all turned off.

I fell off the floor onto my bed. I must be talented.

In acting class I was told to pretend I was napping, but I took it too seriously. They had to wake me up.

You know you have a problem with listening if you are talking to yourself but did not hear anything you said.

I have threatened myself with the silent treatment. It seemed to have worked, I have not had to follow through.

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