Saturday, July 9, 2011

Upward, Inward, Outward

Learning How To Give
Chapter: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
Main Verse: 2 Corinthians 5b

We can only have and demonstrate the right attitude in giving when we have an upward focus. The church at Corinth was lacking in this focus. Paul used the churches of Macedonia in his exhortation to the church at Corinth about giving. These churches in Macedonia gave generously even though they were in extreme poverty. They did not gave out of compulsion or guilt or with ulterior motives.

How was this generous giving possible? They gave themselves first to the Lord (v. 5). They had received and experienced the grace of God. This free and generous gift of God totally transformed their lives. If God could graciously and freely give them his grace - his unmerited favor - why would they not give him their lives in return? Why would they not do all he asks and leads them to do? Their response was to give themselves first to God. They looked upward.

Their abundant joy and their extreme poverty led to an overflow in a wealth of generosity on their part (v. 2). This is encouraging because we don't associate joy and poverty as going together much more leading to generosity. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Their joy was a gift from God that surpassed the level of their poverty. Note the two adjectives - abundant and extreme, the result an overflow in a wealth .... The churches of Macedonia looked up, not sure when they got to that place but they did. It was important because they were able to see themselves in light of God's grace and it filled them with an abundance of joy. Their upward look gave them the right inward perspective.

... and then by the will of God to us (v. 5). Their upward look was also important to their outward perspective. They did not give for the sake of giving, but as God directed. This was helpful in ensuring their giving was done with the right motive and heart. Their giving was of their own free will and beyond their means. How was that possible? It was possible through their gratitude and willingness to do as God directed. They were so grateful for the grace of God that in spite of their extreme poverty they did not withhold or make excuses.

Our Response: Our attitude should be the same regardless of our situation. It begins with an upward focus. When we keep looking inward and outward whilst forgetting or choosing not to look upward, we become hoarders. If and when we give it will be done out of compulsion, obligation, and not with the right heart and motive.
However, we can get to that point of giving generously even if we are facing extreme poverty. Giving generously goes beyond the financial. It is most importantly the giving of ourselves first and fully to God. We should make this a daily practice knowing that God will accept and honor this daily giving of ourselves for his purpose.

An upward perspective will transform our inward and outward perspectives.

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