Tuesday, October 11, 2011

For Being God

Dear God:

Thank You that You are God. You stand alone. You did not become God because it was passed down to You.  You did not become God because You were elected or chosen. You did not become God because You won a “battle of the gods”. You did not become God because You surpassed your mentor or your creator. You did not become God because ….  You are God because You have no equal. You are God because You are Holy and incorruptible. You are God because You are sovereign. You are God because You are just. You are God because You are unconditional in love. You are God because You are merciful. You are God because You are omnipresent. You are God because You are salvation. You are God because You are life. You are God because You are light. You are God because You are creator. You are God because You are all mighty and almighty - omnipotent one. You are God because You are unsearchable. You are God because You are omniscient. You are God because You are self-existing. You are God because You are infinite. You are God because You are all this and so much more. And I thank You for being God!

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