Sunday, October 2, 2011

To Go On

I remember you in better times, your smile,
your passion, your dreams, your desires.
Yes, I do remember your dreams and desires
to be a positive influence. Now you are gone.
Am I dreaming? If so why is it not a sweeter dream?
Why not one filled with your smiles?
Why not one filled with you changing lives?
Why not one with us arguing? We'll reconcile later.
We always do, and are the better for it.
But they said you have gone and won't be back.
We did not get to say goodbye. We did not hug.
I did not get to say for the last time, "I love you!"
I will shout it anyway and hope you hear it.
I will pray it and believe that you will hear it.
"I love you! My beloved I love you."
God has you now and you are safe.
You are in His arms and can rest in peace.
But I tell you it is hard without you here.
I will grieve. I also need God's arms now.
I need His peace to comfort me.
In His peace I can also rest.
My prayer is that your leaving will be a positive
influence on others like you dreamed and desired.
We will be together again and it will be sweetest.
Your smile brightest. Your passions strongest.
Your dreams and desires most alive.
Because in His presence everything is glorious.
Until then, I will go on and seek to be
a Christlike influence on others.
I love you and will miss you.
But I will go on in the strength of the Lord,
until that time when we are reunited.

Written for a couple, one of whom lost a sibling. Dedicated to them and all who have lost loved ones.

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